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Everything posted by Jambo'ness

  1. Seriously? We have now clinched 9th place in the league which, for some, seems to be a poor season. Just how many of of the teams who have finished above us do you realistically see us being ahead of? CSS perhaps but we have to be fair on the lads. They have done well this season and I wouldn't rule out another League Cup Final.
  2. It just underlines how little worth, financially, the B teams are. An Easter weekend should see everyone playing, hopefully boosting gate. The fact that the season is extended to accommodate the B teams means extra wages for at least 3 weeks, maybe 4. The clubs with low running costs can greedily take the money but we have to pay extra rent for having these three in. I'm sure Cowdenbeath are in a similar position.
  3. I hope you carry on that complacency because you will end up on the seat of your pants. Congratulations to former BU players Danny Galbraith & Gregor Nicol. We obviously taught them that a two goal lead is no certainty of success.
  4. To pull this back from the pathetic 'wee rose' element, yesterday's game didn't tell us too much, as the opposition were poor, very poor. However any team can only beat what is put in front of them and the BU's set about their task with gusto. Tom Grant proved what an important player he can be, especially in the first half. Lenny showed great finishing quality and could be our ace in the League Cup. Hawkeye and McArthur continue to impress as a pairing. It could have been seventeen instead of seven and Star couldn't have complained but their 'keeper can and did pull off some wonder saves, particularly a curler from Lawler heading into the top corner! If the aforementioned is signed up, he could be a top performer with a pre-season behind him. Also, a big shout out to Josh French, who came on in a back three and showed good control and passing ability. Obviously we won't know his full abilities at the back until we play a 'decent' side. All in all, very satisfied with the performance and spirit showing in the team. On now to Own Goal Dusty Broom!
  5. It is anything but a "lazy appointment". Ian is a quality appointment. Anybody who watched the team on Saturday could detect the difference with his tactics. He knows the players there now and will have his own plans on who to keep and who to let go. Like Max, he has plenty of contacts in the senior game after a long career in the lower divisions. He has also demonstrated his interest in encouraging the young lads, helping with their training. Of course, we will have doubters. Those who think we were the team after Stevie Gerrard whilst forgetting the major hurdle we face.....a lack of money!
  6. 8-8 could just as easily been the vote involving all Braves fans
  7. He took a knock in the penalty box in the second half and seemed to limp away from that. Always sensible to protect players by withdrawing them. Today, I felt he played well and yes, we should build our midfield around him. McArthur had another solid game, capped by a goal but for me Tom Grant was out in front, as demonstrated by his three assists.
  8. Just to clarify, my team has voted against the B teams on both occasions. This season only underpins our feelings. Whilst last season, the 'novelty' factor brought out the crowds, this year has been a joke. The Rangers match saw a few turn up but the Celtic game was literally only parents, perhaps due to the big team playing at 5.30 that night. I am still of the unequivocal opinion of 'Get them to f**k'.
  9. Over many months, all you have done is attack United, so give it a rest with the cry-baby stuff.
  10. Explain? Surely achieving a highest-possible position is explanation enough. Unless you are one who wishes us to fail.
  11. Your first sentence is possibly the most ridiculous one that I have read on here, which is some achievement. The tail-end of your second sentence negates the whole point of your first one. I won't argue with your third sentence as it is your opinion, however much I may disagree.
  12. I disagree that games are meaningless now. We still have a chance to finish in the top half of the league, with matches against two sides immediately above us to come. Our support does suffer from a degree of over-expectation. Maybe if we had the financial backing of some of those above us (good luck to them, not bitterness), we would be in a much healthier position.
  13. Copied from Wiki During his playing career, Little represented Berwick Rangers, Livingston, Stenhousemuir and Alloa Athletic.[1] Little had spells as manager of Vale of Leithen, Heriot Watt University, Livingston Under 20s, a brief caretaker role at Tranent Juniors, Whitehill Welfare, and Berwick Rangers.
  14. To some, like Number Seven, this choice appears to be a cop out, it is the most sensible decision that could be made. At this stage in the season, Ian's knowledge of the players will be crucial when it comes to who may remain past the end of the season (not many at first sight). It should be remembered by some here that our best results came at the start of the season when it was Ian at the helm, whilst Max on holiday He has a chance to show he deserves a shot at the permanent gig. I know he felt bitterly disappointed by his treatment at Berwick and is eager to show that he can deliver the goods. He has my support, at least until this season ends.
  15. Because if there was a wider pathway upwards, there is more chance that a majority of LL clubs would vote extra promotion/relegation. Instead we have a 'why would turkeys vote for Christmas' from the SPFL and that naturally makes its way to the next level.
  16. I would suggest that the working together starts with the SPFL as one of the main concerns for these clubs is where they are going to end up? The thorny issues of promotion and relegation may be eased if agreement was gained from the top.
  17. That is a pish poor attempt at fishing.
  18. Exactly! Jack had an amazing record but was pish. Not sure I'm bothered at Dan going. Started well but injuries and a lack of goals went against him. I do hope we got money for him.
  19. Jack Smith had an impressive scoring record and look how he turned out. More than happy for the player to regain fitness, find if he fits in and then becomes a signing in the summer.
  20. Every goal he has scored this season has been against either lower LL or lower division sides. I don't honestly think the Zander of old will return
  21. Yes, we did well. How do you boys manage to count your eleven fingers?
  22. That was the figure decided at last AGM. We also have an extra game this season, so is working out at about three free games for fans, if they buy one.
  23. Ryan is definitely a signed player.
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