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Bufty Boots

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Posts posted by Bufty Boots

  1. 2 hours ago, sponsorsladdie said:


    We were beating the lower teams under Brado, Pumped jeanfield up there then go and get beat off them, beat white hill 6-0 then get beat off them.

    4 players in and we set up the same way, try and play they same way, set pieces are the same. Nothing’s changed apart from losing more games than we did.

    It’s all very well playing well in the first half today or the last 20 mins against boness but that’s not going to put any trophy in your hands at the end of a season.

    This is another season that’s been written off as we need another 10 players, same as last season and the one before that and the one before that...


    I’m not quite sure where you are on everything.

    You are giving the new manager pelters whilst at the same time saying that the previous management team failed on the signing front for three seasons.

    I am sure you can clarify.

  2. 3 hours ago, lithgierose said:

    Could have asked the thoughts of the committee members on this point. If any of them apart from the usual two had bothered to venture into the club. Just saying. 😊

    I’m not really sure what it is you are actually saying. Maybe you could clarify.

    As said above these guys will spend more hours per week in the club than you so what more could you ask for?

    I am sure you can ask them on Tuesday night when once again they will be in the club. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Auld Heid said:

    Tell me the positives? You seem to see something I'm not seeing that makes you think differently.

    You were hardly very positive on Scullion in your previous posts - yet you choose to have a dig because I make a general post of my view - opposed to your specific criticism of an individual player.

    Indeed several other posters make far more critical comments than mine but my post is the one that you choose to criticise.

    Since September our performances other than Broxburn have hardly been inspiring. Please feel free to tell me the inspiring performances I have missed - that would prove my original comment wrong?

    I recognised in my post that Brown needs time. Unfortunately football is a results driven business and that's not a negative comment but a hard fact.


    We are not in a relegation fight. The season didn’t end in September.  

    Your unrelenting negativity coupled with  a sad obsession with another club gets annoying after a while.

    My opinion on one player will be largely supported by most even handed supporters.

    I have no idea what games you do and do not attend so can’t comment on that. 

    You said that Brown needs time but every player he brings in needs to deliver an improvement quickly - it’s one or the other in my opinion. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, 8MileBU said:

    It was brought up and criticised at the time brains!

    ”Mostly due to the wind” 😄

    Really? I thought it was mostly due to you being fucking abysmal first half. Credit where it’s due though - Lithgy were a bit better and got back into the game in the second half. Mostly due to the wind. 

    ”Much as I dislike you” 😄 I didn’t even realise we knew each other. Pathetic.

    I suspect you are fabricating a story about the entry fees charged and what time you entered the ground.

    Agree we were honking in the first half and slightly better in the second. A draw may have been a fair result but where do fair results happen in football.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Auld Heid said:

    The season was as good as over in September. 2 defeats and we sack yet another manager. Rightly or wrongly this sent out a message that we didn't have confidence in either players or the then management.

    From the games that I have seen we have not improved since then either. Our results since are hardly inspiring. Broxburn being the exception.

    I agree survival is now the realistic main aim.

    Brown Ferguson needs time - but every player he brings in needs to deliver an improvement and quickly.


    There’s the positivity in our support. Got to love a positive post. 

    You should concentrate on trying to wind up those over the hill with your dismal attempts at humour and winding them up. Your inability to do that along with your constant negativity really are embarrassing.

    Everyone is allowed an opinion but when all you can be is negative then why bother? 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Deanburn Dave said:

    Scullion has a decent CV. Maybe like a lot of players who drop down the leagues he needs time to adjust.

    Or hang up his boots. I’m pretty sure they are diving boots as he can’t jump, drops back three yards further than the rest of the defence to cover his lack of pace and when he hoofs the ball forward your guess is as good as mine as to where it goes.

    The Rose were woeful in the first half and hardly made a telling pass or kept the ball - credit to Bo’ness for their pressing. Hitting high balls forward into a wind is meat and drink to any defenders.

    Better performance in the second half but still a lack of passing was evident. The last ten minutes we were on top but where was that passion and energy for the first 80 minutes. 


  7. 43 minutes ago, Auld Heid said:

    Clearly you don't like supporters having a view. Changed days indeed now your on the committee.


    I have no problem with supporters having a view - it’s a healthy thing as these as these are the people that keep the club running. As a supporter too I’m sure you don’t mind me having an opinion and calling you out.

    I have a problem with “supporters” coming out with absolute nonsense. Talking of which I notice you don’t comment on me picking you up on your inability to count.

    Good to see a true supporter like yourself is so up to date - I haven’t been involved with the committee since January. 


  8. 7 hours ago, Auld Heid said:

    Selection is baffling and not sure if this is due to injuries or availability. Thom starting on the left before Hutchinson was a strange one.

    TC and Allum can't play together - for me the solution is start one then bring on the other after an hour. Coco for me should play if fit? As he would bring more out of both Allum or TC.

    Looking at the sidelines we seem to have a larger coaching staff than replacements. Not sure the benefit of 4 in a small squad. (Coco isn't playing regularly so looking more a coaching role)

    A good 3 points against another team struggling badly.

    You should stick to your great chat on other teams threads.

    Is 20 really a small squad?

    Does 4, if you include Coco, outnumber 6 if you include Coco? 

    Once again you slaver absolute nonsense whilst maintaining your typical negativity. 

    Maybe football isn’t for you.

  9. 7 minutes ago, GordonS said:

    That's a perfect example of why I don't think we'll be in relegation danger. We were dugshite for long stretches of that and a few of those players shouldn't be wearing the shirt. But Ruari slaloms through the midfield and slips Ronald in to create the chaos for the equaliser; then TC loses his marker and unleashes a dipper over the keeper from out on the right to win it with the last kick of the ball. There's enough talent that we'll score the goals to keep us afloat, but there's a lot of cracks being papered over here.

    Adam Nelson... I thought he looked familiar, I presumed I must have seen him play against us for someone else. He could do a job for us right now. 

    Interested to know who you don’t think should be wearing the shirt. We know you have issues with the defence but let’s not sit on the fence. 
    Adam is a great guy and probably still can do a job at many places but the last thing we need is signing ex players with a history - I suspect that’s where we lost a manager this season.

  10. I have to say that that the social media provided by the club is without compare. For those that do social media the club won’t let you down.

    For those that don’t I’m not sure how you keep them up to date as the people in charge can’t do any more to publicise what is happening. 

    The committee now are more proactive in keeping fans informed of things than ever and deserve applause for what they do.


  11. 4 hours ago, 8MileBU said:


    900 of your allocation must’ve been Falkirk fans and day trippers given your actual typical attendance.

    I deprived 2 supporters of tickets just out of badness, which means there was probably only 198 actual Rose fans there last night.

    When we next play in the Scottish it’ll be on merit, not because of handouts.


    I must admit I am intrigued - what handouts do the Rose get? And why would that entitle them to play in the Scottish Cup, rather than the fact the club holding an SFA licence? 

  12. 6 hours ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

    Who days they aren't as requireD by licensing?  A referee? as I said if their is changes to be made the committee will make it happen




    You managed to give a committee abuse for failing to send a couple of tweets but manage to back another when a referee deems there to be a major failing in their work.

    I have said before that committee members all deserve the utmost respect for the work they do. I hope in future you have a long hard think before sticking the knife into any committee for any perceived failing. 

  13. 3 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:

    It's not really got anything to do with the SFA licensing officer(s) yet. If the permanent ones only just went up at the weekend the SFA proably haven't been round to do an audit.

    So the options here are the Camelon committee that have met every licensing requirement upto floodlights, have known for about a year what the floodlights requirements would be, tested and hosted a game under floodlights. Suddenly, have gotten it spectacularly wrong.

    Or the ref didn't fancy it.

    Option C - bit of both.

    I would suggest it has everything to do with the SFA licensing officers. Where else would you be given a certificate for achieving all set criteria without actually showing you have achieved all set criteria?

    If the permanent ones only went up at the weekend how can you grant a licence months ago? 

    The SFA licensing board must take the full blame for this.

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