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Posts posted by dillinger

  1. This is the same UAF that has David Cameron (you know, the current Prime Minister) as a founding member and supporter?

    do let us know when you visit us from your parallel universe again. :)

    This I know.

    The Government won't be funding them again.

    The UAF and the SWP are one and the same.

    They betray true Socialism

  2. Here's my view: F u c k off and die you deeply unpleasant scumbucket.

    Is that democratic enough for you? Because I'm sure that is the majority view on things......love and hugs xx

    Why am I such things?

    Because I think the UAF.are commies?

    Or because I think the BNP are Nazis?

    Or both?

  3. I for one welcome UAF in their violent crusade against bigots and racists. Here's hoping more BNP members get their arses handed to them by UAF.

    You do realise the UAF are Communist and support the overthrow of democracy in the UK?

  4. They knew, did they do anything about it? In fairness it was The Times which brought it to public attention not the EDl but don't kid yourself on that plod was doing anything.

    Oh the Police knew all right.

    So did the Government, BBC, MP'S etc.

    They were afraid to offend and are therefore nearly as guilty.

  5. Oh and they are taking credit for this

    To everyone on here who say street protests don't work look what we achieved by highlighting the grooming gang epidemic, grooming gangs were kept secret and brushed under the carpet, there was a media and police blackout on the issue until our protests highlighted and raised public awareness on the issue. it was our protests which raised public anger on child grooming which forced the police to act. So anyone who doesn't agree with us protesting what are you going to do? Sit in your nice warm safe house shouting at the TV and doing nothing for the cause? By holding protests we show the Muslim invaders that there is a resistance to the Islamisation of our country. When your grandchildren ask what you did to stop the takeover of our country at least we can say we did all we could, we at the SDL will never fall for Islamic taqiyya and we will never give up the fight for our children's and grandchildren's futures. The SDL are here to stay, we are not going to stop what we are doing and we become stronger, more organised and gain more support everyday. We are proud to make a stand and defend our great nation and we will never surrender!

    To be honest that is not far wrong.

    The part about exposing the grooming gangs anyway.

  6. 'The telephone call which changed my life was not even made to me. It was late afternoon on August 21 2002, when "he" called the BBC's office at Ormeau Avenue in Belfast. He didn't say his name - they never do - but left enough hints as to his background. His message was brief and to the point: "This is the LVF [Loyalist Volunteer Force]. If Neil Lennon takes the field tonight he will get seriously hurt."'

    Trust me, if something like that happens over here you would be a fucking idiot to take it lightly.

    That phone call was made from a public pay phone in Newtownabbey.

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