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Everything posted by ICTChris

  1. I wonder how much depression and mental illness is linked to alcohol abuse. I was thinking about this the other day and just about everything bad that's happened to me, almost everything I've done that I regret and most major arguments I've had with my family or wife/girlfriend have been related to me drinking huge ammounts of alcohol I don't think I've got depression or alcoholism but it must be a factor in people that do. Edit: I really meant exacerbated by alcohol use/abuse.
  2. My mortgage adviser is a useless, useless c**t. My wife and I went in last week, signed documents and were told they'd be being sent away. Today, I get a package in the post, containing documents to be signed and returned Also, she included a form for mortgage protection insurance, despite being told we will get this ourselves, and included a post it note saying "sign here" and a s.a.e. When we turned up for our meeting the woman made us sign two forms, one for our agreement in principle and one for our final mortgage. I am sure that she's bollocksed this up and that we'll find this out at a hugely inopportune moment. I'm also sick of her trying to sell us insurance and pish like that. I really wish we didn't have to go for this company but we do. As soon as everything is signed and sealed I'm making a formal complaint about her. When we went for our meeting she had to have her supervisor listen in via conference call - I'm pretty sure she must be being performance managed.
  3. Do you not have to pay a radio license as well? Do you have a wireless?
  4. A thread on Israel really pulls the lunatics out, doesn't it? I'm glad there's a ceasefire. I was listening to the radio earlier and the presenter was talking about the prospect of peace talks, I understand that the agreements talks about moing forward on opening the borders, but it's difficult to have any optimism for a settlement or even a thawing of relations. Ahmed Jabrili, whose killlng started this round of conflict, once said that Hamas should liberate Gaza then "“Jerusalem, the West Bank, and then Haifa, Jaffa, and Tel Aviv,” and the issue is that many in Israel and the Israeli government think that this is exactly what will happen if they give way. The human cost of a policy of containment and the long tem political impact of the impase could cause bigger problems in the future though. A depressing but unsurprising episode.
  5. If anyone is interested in getting into an IT graduate programme, give me a shout. I can refer you to the one my company runs, I get a fee if you make it. You don't have to have an IT related degree, minimum is 2:1 in any subject, so those who are entering the job market with a joint honours in Classical Civilisation and Beekeeping, all is not lost.
  6. Classic. Hopefully it was Ancient Aliens, my favourite History Channel programme.
  7. Lookslike we aren't going to get the financing we require for a mortgage. f**k off banks.
  8. I'm almost there but I think I need a few more videos to make my mind up. Who is going to provide them?
  9. When I left Uni I made an appointment at the bank to sort out my student overdraft and the bank manager I met had the limpest, wettest handshake I've ever encountered. I don't have a bonecruncher of a handshake but I honestly thought I was going to break his wrist, or maybe even arm. You should meet Top Six Next Year, that mans handshake causes earthquakes. At the recent Caley v Stenny league cup tie I introduced him to former P&B mainstay Cesc Fabregas and had a wee laugh as TSNY just about ripped his arm off shaking his hand.
  10. Get it on ebay man. I'd reduce the price a bit though, say £45m.
  11. After being told there would bre no issues with our mortgage, the bank have refused to give us one, subject to some 'questions' that I f*cking answered weeks ago and have now re-answered. f**k off banks.
  12. Lance Armstrong has resigned from Livestrong. He also tweeted this picture of himself I like his sofa.
  13. Just saw two pitbull-type dogs fighting each other outside the petshop on London Road. The owner of one was kicking his dog in the head to break it up, while the other wailed "get it off my fucking dog" over and over. Pitbulls and staffies can be lovely pets, I understand. Perhaps they should do an IQ test on those who are permitted to own them.
  14. Buy it here Read the comments, they are brilliant.
  15. SoS interview with Obree, following on from Kimmage's comments
  16. I'm thinking of buying a bike, for commuting and general riding. I've been recommended a hybrid bike by some cycling colleagues. Do P&B peddlars concur with this advice? If I do go for this, I'm going to wait until the spring, not much point buying a bike in the middle of winter.
  17. Paul Kimmage has raised a criminal complaint against the UCI, McQuad and Verbruggan for allowing doping and money to be made by doped cyclists. He said on Twitter
  18. BBC article on Team Sky's zero tolerance approach
  19. Steven de Jongh has left his post as sporting director at Team Sky after admitting to using performance enhancing drugs during his career. Matt Slater, the BBC reporter raises the main point, I think:
  20. KB and keith go on a subcrawl and are now basically gay lovers. Amazing scenes.
  21. Frequently Asked Questions? Really? People frequently ask "Is it possible to get AIDs from jizzing in a someone’s eye and kicking them in the shin?" or "If you shag a horse will the horse lose its virginity or will you die?"
  22. Interesting article on AIDS Denialism I can't believe that Christine Maggiore is real, it's like something from a novel.
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