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Everything posted by ICTChris

  1. ICTChris

    Breaking Bad

    I watched the first season when it was on FX but missed out on it since. I bought Season Two theothe rday and am one episode in. It's excellent. I am thinking of becoming a meth cooker, think it should be OK.
  2. How did Craig Whyte think he'd get away with this? I've not followed this really closely, was the Banford, Prince Albert stuff known? Prince ALbert
  3. A noisy double decker bus of Hibs fans just went past my window. Fair play to them.
  4. Pretty sure the Celtic 7 Rangers 1 game was the league cup.
  5. The biggest recent win in a cup final was Rangers 4 Aberdeen 0 in 1999, when Robbie Winters had to go in goals. Will Hearts eclipse that?
  6. McPake pulls one back! Great for the game, hopefully it'll make it a more interesting second half/.
  7. Griffiths, O'Connor and McPake are the only decent Hibs players, the rest of them are very, very poor. Hearts team don't match the side they had a few years ago but they are far more solid and with guys like Driver, Suso and Skacel they are stronger up front as well.
  8. They are just about to bring out that Jambo that attacked him as a surprise guest.
  9. Just nipped out to get a paper, Easter Road is buzzing with Hibs fans heading to their buses. Hopefully it'll be a great game.
  10. My work is literally (literally) a holocaust at the moment. s1jobs.com methinks.
  11. I tend to shift it around. Last week I went to the gym three times - the first time I used the machines for my arms and upper body, second time I did all the machines for legs and lower body and yesterday I did free weights. I don't have a hard and fast routine with rules as I often can't make it to the gym because of work or whatever.
  12. Been doing shorter gym sessions this week - generally start with either a cross trainer or rower for 10-15 minutes or so, then do weights and then finish off doing HIIT on the stationary bike for 15 minutes or so. I hurt my back a few weeks ago so today was the first time doing deadlifts and squats, my back feels fine now, touch wood. Any tips on how to get a six pack in seven weeks before my holiday, I keep clicking on these pop up adverts on porn sites but all they do is empty my bank account
  13. CondescendingFitba is worth a read. Must be someone on P&B who has started it.
  14. ICTChris

    The Sopranos

    Yeah, I've heard it said that the level of violence is unrealistic. I think there are around 90 murders in the Sopranos, which covers the period from 1999-2007. The level of mafia killings in the US during the 2000s is far, far lower than that - 20-30 people killed in the entire United States during the 2000s. Link. These organised crime sites are full of pish but I can't find anything to significantly contradict the list there.
  15. ICTChris

    Breaking Bad

    I watched the first season of this on FX but never caught up with it. Just ordered the second season on DVD, looking forward to it. I am wondering how they string it out for five seasons considering he is supposed to be at deaths door.
  16. Have had a chesty cold all week so no further exercise. f**k off ill health!
  17. ICTChris

    The Sopranos

    In the North East of the USA the Mafia, La Cosa Nostra, whatever you want to call them, are the major organised crime threat. The FBI regularly bust these families for labour racketeering, contract manipulation, bookmaking etc. I think the nature of the organisation means that the FBI are vigilant against them. Certainly in areas like New York, Boston, Chicago etc these organisations have proved relatively resiliant. Also, they have their colleagues in Italy who can help them - during the 1980s the Sicilian mafia exported billions of dollars worthof heroin to the US and the FBI mounted raids on both American and Sicilian mafioso a few years ago. One massive factor in the mafia now is the illegalityof some forms of gambling. These bookies make millions of dollars on sports betting, the sort of thing that you can do on every single high street in Britain. Same with video poker - a Chicago mobster got 25 years in prison earlier this year for bombing a rival 'vending machine' company and his biker cohort got 60 years for this and other offences.
  18. ICTChris

    The Sopranos

    The FBI continually investigating the mafia isn't unrealistic at all. Every single mafia family in the US is under constant pressure from the FBI, all the time.
  19. Just did my first exercise in a month after a bad back. 45 minutes on the shitey stationary bike in the flat and some weights with my dumbells. Will probably venture back to the gym this week and then jiu jitsu next.
  20. I was training quite hard until about a month ago I played football for teh first time in a year and absolutely f*cked my back. I was in absolute agony, it took me half an hour to get out of bed and phone into work. It improved a bit and then last week I was hoovering (macho injury alert) and tweaked it again, cue four more days of horrible pain. Not sure when I'll be back to the gym or jiu jitsu
  21. A mate of mine's brother works on teh door in an Edinburgh nightclub. He refused a guy entry once and the guy started giving him abuse, ending with a promise that he was going to "come on your kids faces in the night" Strangest thing was he came back the next night with his girlfriend to apologise
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