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Posts posted by Thistle_do_nicely

  1. I know its ultimately a minor point but I love saving up all of my smash;

    i) i dont tend to really notice its gone day to day

    ii) saving up tubs/tins for coppers, silvers and £1/£2 coins adds up surprisingly quickly if you're out making enough cash transactions

    iii) i channel my inner Scrooge McDuck and swell with pride at my savings discipline once the tubs are completely full (well, apart from the copper coin tub/tin), feeling vastly wealthier than I really am


    I know you can round up contactless transactions to savings accounts but cracking open a tin of smash and counting it all out is an unheralded pleasure to me that I'd genuinely miss.

  2. 2 hours ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

    Personally I wasn’t that arsed about the corner at half time thing - well, I was annoyed at the time but stopped caring pretty quickly. I was far more irritated by him giving constant soft fouls which might have been technically correct decisions but just didn’t allow the game any flow whatsoever. The players may have to take some blame in that, but still.

    It’s definitely true that you can tell the difference in refs at this level. We got Beaton for a game last season (against Inverness I think) and, for all the criticism he gets, he was f**king light years ahead of the guys we’ve had this season so far. 

    Yeah; thinking back to it, its always a problem where refs are dishing out soft free kicks because when you're watching from the stands, there's invariably multiple decisions (for or against you tbf) where you're left scratching your head why free kicks are/aren't given and it causes some agitation.

    It's nice from time to time being able to come on here to type out post match thoughts and reflect something like "oh, barely noticed that referee". Sometimes its just griping if you've lost and they've e.g. let teams take the piss with timewasting or something, but if a refereeing performance is notable its usually not for good reasons.

  3. 2 hours ago, DrewDon said:

    My Barclays XI (4-4-2): Jussi Jaaskelainen; Pascal Chimbonda, Chris Samba, Brede Hangeland, Nicky Shorey; Rory Delap, Morten Gamst-Pedersen, Ivan Campo, Chris Brunt; Ricardo Fuller, Benjani. 

    What a team that is, by the way. 

    What a side. I'd want to find some room - even on the fantasy sub bench - for Socceroo goalscoring maestro Tim Cahill.

    Add in the flair of a Jay Jay Okocha somewhere, maybe swap Chimbonda for Nolberto "Nobby" Solano and you've got a side that could challenge for silverware.

  4. 1 hour ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

    Kanayo Megwa is really, really good. Final ball wasn’t quite there, but an outstanding debut nonetheless. 

    Yep - not the tallest but still good in the air, won a few corners going forward and all. Dunfermline kept punting long balls in his direction and he coped very, very well with them.

    Ablade too, who imo looked better than Chalmers down the right, at least in the first half. Chalmers himself had much more of an impact coming on as a sub!

  5. Bloody hell, glad to scrape that.

    First half we were... ok? I think. Ablade and Megwa down the right look decent, Ablade is good in the air for the size of him and won a good amount of free kicks from Dunfermline who generally looked like jobbers/cloggers. Chalmers looked better coming on as a sub and sticking near Graham. Second half had a wee spell similar to the Alloa game where we looked burst and Dunfermline grew into it a bit, only really had the header flashed narrowly wide. Neither keeper did all that much, think between the sides mustve been very low single figures for shots on target?

    Edit: yea, fair points from others that Crawford played well. Im still not sure i liked that starting 11 all that much tbh, bit disjointed still, but it got the job done i guess.

    Ref was inconsistent to say the least...

    Shot was low and hard from inside the area but seemed to go through Mehmet.


  6. Regarding figures around/not around

    - renton on here was always a good read

    - Charles Kennedy passing away shortly after losing his seat was saddening

    - Gordon Brown is a duplicitous wee shitebag that pledged SuperMegaUltraDexoToTheMax as a mere backbencher, asked for a petition to make the government uphold the promises *he'd* made, and  ran away/stood down when he realised he was going to get turfed out of his seat.

    f**k Gordon Brown.

    Edit; aye, scumbag, found this.


  7. Kind of wonder, and its a bleak thought really, but Britain voting leave to the EU & the demographic split in Remain/Leave, it being heralded as a "material change in circumstances" without (at least immediately) amounting to enough of a swing to Yes... whats the next grift for Reform/Farage types for the foreseeable?

    The SNP being as uninspiring as they've been likely means they'll take some hits at Holyrood/Westminster, but it seems a bit telling that UK Labour are 5 minutes after a crushing win and already have the feel of a bored, stale govt thats more or less just presiding over a managed decline & cant or wont do anything other than bland tinkering at the edges. On the one hand giveth 0.2 extra teachers per school, and with the other hand taketh away a lot of peoples Winter Fuel Allowance and f**k knows what else in the coming October budget...

    Linked to the above grifts - whats the next likely seismic shift they push for that could/really *should* see enough of a jump to Yes?

    The NHS finally getting fully replaced with a Great British Employment Healthcare Programme? (i.e. shitey Americanised healthcare ran for profit)

    A genuine tyrant bankrolled in as PM? 

    NI voting to unite with the ROI? Wales pushing for independence?

    If the decline/worsening of Britain carries on slowly enough its maybe going to just be a bit like that whole "frogs leap out of boiling water immediately but will sit in it if you slowly increase the heat" thing for Scotland. Yay.

  8. Clocked this;


    No mention of Europe, Brexit or EU anywhere about medicine shortages, and yet...


    Rather odd editorial choice for that beeb article not to have a single viewpoint that being out of the EU hampers Britains ability to respond to the shortages, imo

  9. 29 minutes ago, 'WellDel said:

    I'm a bit like this with codes and stuff. I used to help the wife with her accounting and can still reel off her 16 digit alphanumeric HMRC login even 5 years or more after last using it.

    At work I visit various areas daily, the doors and gates to which are all keypad entry and the combinations are all committed to memory. Likewise, I also know my full bank card number and security codes off by heart, as well as the mobile numbers of several friends and family members (a useless trait considering they're all stored in the phone anyway). I am also capable, however, of walking from the kitchen to the living room and being unable to recall whether or not I actually switched the kettle on..

    dunno if you're the same but sometimes its weird too, like I don't deliberately commit something to memory but *eventually* it just clicks.

    Won't post either on here obviously, harr harr, but my mobile number and national insurance number are burned into my memory now and I don't think I ever sat and memorised either, it blows my mind sometimes that folk don't know their NI number off by heart in particular. Mobile numbers maybe can change or it's that whole thing that you never really need to call yourself unless you've misplaced your phone and are hunting for it (handy to know off by heart but arguably not essential, especially as you can just look at your phone contacts to find out your own number if you need to) but your NI number never changes.

    never mind the kettle, I mind I once put a jar of coffee in the fridge where the milk goes and, ah, found the milk in the cupboard where the coffee jar should have been. Think my mind was elsewhere, mercifully haven't done it since or I'd be getting myself tested for dementia/alzheimers

  10. 13 hours ago, ayrunitedfw said:

    How’s Logan Chalmers been so far? Out of the players we lost in the summer he’s the only one I was gutted to lose. 

    Not hit the ground running... :(

    We seem to be adamant about playing Fitzpatrick down the left and Chalmers down the right; not sure if its with a view to help us keep possesion as they're more likely to cut in and play passes than hit crosses, but I don't think we're creating all that much from the slow/ponderous buildup as it is.

    Chalmers start with us was kinda summed up with a moment yesterday when he did well to find a bit of space, carried it into the area, chopped back onto his right foot and then skied it, he's had too many moments like that/low quality crosses.

    Couple of the goals against QP were from set pieces and our goal yesterday came from a cross; honestly I'd be tempted to switch Fitzpatrick and him around, see if he can contribute more down the left. Maybe something in training we don't see that makes Doolan reluctant to do it, but purely on an "it can't be any worse than it already is" basis it's something I'd be wanting to try tbh.

    Lawless is generally terrific down the right with his balance, close control and technical ability (thinking back with a classy assist for McInroy last season, where Lawless cut in and pinged a 35ish yard pass for McInroy to run on and finish, Lawless is one of our only players that has the quality to make goals like that), been a huge miss.

    tbf to Doolan we had to try something to fill his boots and Chalmers looked logical enough, but not happened for him yet. Maybe even be better coming off the bench for a few games, Doolan always seems reluctant to make subs until like the 80th - 85th minute though.

  11. The password to the second mission on desert strike on the atari lynx.

    back when passwords used to have to be inputted to continue; my dad loved playing it too, especially the second mission, so he'd often end up asking me to get him the password for it and i ended up having to run and grab the paper with all the scribbled codes on it to give him. i think i had to repeat it often enough (or realised that if I could commit it to memory I wouldn't have to spend time hunting for the password) that eventually i could rattle it off by heart


    it's HPAQMIGLEDUG if any of you happen to have a lynx and copy of desert strike floating about and want to test it out


  12. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/keir-starmer-painful-budget-austerity-b2608764.html?utm_source=reddit.com

    I know its going to be a shitshow, but im morbidly curious just how f**ked the October 30th budget is going to be.

    On 05/09/2024 at 22:12, Jedi2 said:

    When Labour make reductions in unprotected areas..of course its major Austerity.(and, despite the Tories having left a £22 million hole, its Labour's fault)...when other parties slash £500 million from public services, end a promise for Universal Free School Meals, and freeze the Council Tax to appease middle class voters and thereby starve local authorities of property funding, its 'balancing thr budget' and of course 'Westminster's fault' 

    Couldn't take a blowtorch to their neck 

    Note: Didnt 'name' any party in particular 





  13. Alarming/inexcusable from us. Thats what happens when you try to half arse your way through a match.

    Edit: not a panacea as Milne, assist aside, was arguably worse, but Chalmers in particular needs dropped. We're lacking imagination in attack and yet another profligate performance from him. Might be better with a spell on the bench as an impact sub option, or switch him and Fitzpatrick about.

  14. 55 minutes ago, Cheese said:


    Aye a real head scratcher this Bob.




    I suspect that until and unless actual, real custodial sentences are dished out to the bad actors involved with fatal negligence, major companies are just going to keep on running their "KILL THE POOR?" projections and, shock horror, the reward will outweigh the risk more often than not. Also noted from the guardian article that the cladding was from an American owned company & manufactured in France. Globalism hoovering up the moolah while escaping your jurisdiction when the shit hits the fan, baby!

    The justice system is f**ked as it is, of course, think the recent report on Britains finances made note that prisons are at 99% capacity.

  15. Well, some positives there! Clean sheet, three goals, McKenzies was excellent.

    Myles looks confident enough in goal, albeit got away with that fresh air swipe in the first half!!


    Chalmers doesnt look up to it, not writing him off entirely but needs to sharpen up.

    Bannigan brilliant in midfield I thought, could have been MotM. Lyon and Turner good too.

    Back four looked fine, McBeth and Milne especially. I reckon Nilsson will get better as he beds in, some flashes there with a couple of eye catching passes/crosses.

    Actually thought our depth was showing, Ablade with a decent cameo when he won the free kick and neat header with the offside goal.

    Queens Park looked meh, Rudden won some headers but largely failed to impress. The fat, baldy b*****d.

  16. Predator of the options listed.

    Last Action Hero i still really like. Loosely aware that its considered a "troubled" film (problems with the script, which tbf shows in the 2nd half of it + weird stuff like the cartoon cat cop, which is akin to the computer game scenes in The Beach, pretty jarring) but has some of the best Arnie scenes ever. Plus a hammy Charles Dance.


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