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Everything posted by Thistle_do_nicely

  1. tbh this thread is coming at a funny time, its something that's weighed on me increasingly over the last few weeks. in a few months ill be the same age my fiancee Amanda was when she was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer, and she only survived for 2 years after the diagnosis. it wasnt exactly pretty to watch but they just hit her with increasingly strong doses of morphine and valium towards the end. I'll try to deal with it the same way she did; one of the last times she spoke to me and her family in the weeks before she died she literally said "Ok. So I'll be dead soon. Woohoo! *two thumbs up*". i get what you mean and in theory the closest approximation or refernce point we have is a deep sleep, although even at that we dream, but my consciousness will eventually just... end. *metallica guitar riff* and time marches on, on, on, on. i guess we might not ever get to have a single point of consciousness again? i like the thought of getting to see amanda/amanda's spooky ghost spirit at some point, so maybe Time And The Universe will do some cool unravelling and unfolding thing where I get to live almost the exact same life again in, oh, lets just say 400 billion years, but this time around there'll be a weird memory that makes me drag her to the A&E in enough time for it to make a difference, or better yet her body remembers and does some fancy DNA repairs to itself that stop it happening altogether. (note to self: put money into bitcoin while its affordable and cash out as soon as Elon Musk gets involved.) Whatever the case, Amanda knows what happens now, one way or another. Or she doesn't know, which is fine too, I suppose. I'll find out too, someday. at no point have i ever hit full on suicidal thoughts (and given the subject matter i would STRONGLY ADVISE giving the samaritans a call if any of you feel the need) but i 100% have hit a point where, more days than not, there's a feeling that life has peaked, i didnt even realise or appreciate that fact properly, and its all downhill from here on out. just going through the motions at this point. on the better days i recognise that it's not quite a write off yet. that trainspotting 2 line comes to mind occasionally and bothers me; if you gave me 2 years to live i could probably think of plenty to do with that time, but 20? 30?
  2. - as mentioned we were in control of the first half, but didnt create anything. - Milnes worst game for us? Cant mind him being poorer, offensively and defensively. - fitzpatrick was good first half and kept getting by the accies lb. Got worse and worse as the game went on. Ineffective down the left, but not helped by milne being out of sorts. - mcmillan hopefully not too badly injured - no brownlie, tiffoney, lawless, graham, dowds... bug going round? Breach of discipline? McCall throwing a huff about wanting players in but not getting them (he has previousz for it)? - a couple of penalty shouts from us where the players looked adamant, not so sure as could just be them claiming to pressure the ref. Tl;dr you dont shoot you dont score.
  3. a final "go ahead" isnt quite right in a tortured takeoff analogy either i dont think, it has to be an ultra clear/specific "cleared for takeoff" from post Tenerife disaster. so its not so much a go-ahead, its takeoff clearance. pedantic but fuckit could also be an uncontrolled ramp in which case he'll have to deal with the ground crew only, they're ran by the specific airlines i believe edit: source - patchy knowledge ive picked up from youtube air disaster videos
  4. this video is NSFW (Cum Town? NSFW? wow, who'da thunkit) but i love to revisit it from time to time "fatly going around corners"
  5. last night i legit managed one rep on the dumbell shoulder press before packing it in, second rep it was kinda locking barely above my shoulders, so i abandoned the whole routine for the night, didnt want to risk injury on any of the exerxises. Did a routine fine on monday, albeit im only aiming to do 1x6 at the moment (normally 2x6) two to three times a week, as was ill for about a month between dec/jan, lost a stone or so from stress and spells of lost appetite over the last 6 months and all. No pain or discomfort, so im chalking it up to being tired. Will try again tomorrow, need to sort out my sleep patterns i reckon, as theyre kinda fucked.
  6. Aye. iirc the red hot chilli peppers song Catholic Schoolgirls Rule is about a teenaged/underaged groupie that at least one of the band was having sex with on tour.
  7. ive only just jumped into this thread but aye, that was the first time id ever really heard/read "battle fever" that was the 3-1 with Simonsen miscontrolling for Ciftci to celebrate early before effortlessly rolling the ball into the net? i may be conflating two different games, but i mean any time i hear "battle fever" i think of Ciftci celebrating early before effortlessly rolling the ball into the net. id just retire the phrase tbh edit: yep, start of this clip. i think i still, just about, prefer Cammy Bell's poppadom wrists against Motherwell, as it effectively set the tone to completely kill off any lingering fear that Rangers* would slither up through the playoffs and had the knock-on effect of Mohsni crunching Lee Erwin at the end of the game in a rage
  8. believe its on Premier Sports (or The Artist Formerly Known As Premier Sports, think they may have rebranded?)
  9. I KNEW there was a bojack reference to be made https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/e26fba15-efbf-4836-94fa-aee8b7c6ead2
  10. Im hoping it opens up a little leeway at least i.e. if Akinola finds a club we can stretch to at least a short term deal for someone else to come in...
  11. Christ, 11 years ago that was uploaded, and im sure that match itself was a couple of seasons before even that...
  12. pretty much the only thought i had on this draw: Think will be the first Thistle game involving VAR and all, yuck. Debating whether to go but its a stick on for TV coverage and, yeah, VAR can f**k right off.
  13. Doolan against Morton. Was at that end, the confusion was something else. The net literally rippled
  14. Not great from us, pars had several good to great chances for 90 mins and one in the first part of extra time (over the bar from about a yard out??). Poor finishing and two or three brilliant saves. We had a few but not as presentable as the pars ones. We look totally different without Lawless. Edit: and not in a good way.
  15. afaik the oil change advice is indeed sound and will prolong a cars life, but i think you'd be doing well to get most cars in the UK to 300,000+ miles! rust murders just about everything no matter how well looked after, something to do with salt iirc. going purely by judge judy 'murica has a funny old car market, shitboxes with 200,000+ miles that are still valued at thousands of dollars. suppose climate is king, was in spain a few years ago and saw a remarkable number of mid to late 90's cars that are just about dead in the UK that looked in good condition. standout was a lovely wee peugeot 1.9 gti edit: vans seem to live longer i think, or they're just mechanically raped into lasting for as long as possible for their lifetime as they're generally commercial vehicles
  16. idk if its ever came up in the thread but a friend of mine recently pointed out that aaron mooy looks exactly like one of those wojak memes that floats about, and i cant unsee it
  17. saw 3 cars on the hard shoulder today on the motorway, towards paisley/renfrew and hillington... 2 of which had women standing at the front of the car furiously scraping their windscreens or skooshing de-icer on them! Guessing they ran out of screenwash and panicked when they couldn't wipe away some spray off the road, but it gave me the fear that someone is going to rush off to work and smash into me soon because they either can't be arsed checking/topping up screenwash or, at the very least, make sure all their mirrors and windows are clear before driving...
  18. Marie Curie were absolutely brilliant tbf, but I think they're more geared to end of life care. Worst case scenario they'll point you to local/regional/national support so couldn't hurt. Maggie's might be a shout, sounds like a recent diagnosis, might be a centre near your family member. edit: sorry to hear you've got a family member going through this, bairnardo, hope they respond well to treatment.
  19. Sneddon's last minute equaliser for us against Cove.
  20. missed the first few minutes, didnt miss the last few though! a few wee thoughts; - Grimshaw looked a decent enough full back and the Morton no. 4 played pretty well imo - the penalty award was odd, i think a corner was given at first and then changed to a penalty?? Immediate thought was corner rather than pen tbh but maybe it was similar to the Goldson handball a few days ago. Ah well, no VAR to pick it apart, thankfully. - we were pretty direct, Graham and Fitzpatrick did their best but we didnt seem to work their keeper all that much through the bulk of the game. - after the penalty Morton were utterly dominant for a few minutes and deserved to equalise, they were very good for a few minutes after the equaliser too but either ran out of steam or were told to sit off a bit more and mercifully we were able to get a bit of a grip on the game again, had the fear they'd play like that for the remainder and steamroll us. - Dougie Imrie - as per the penalty award I may be wrong but that was an overhead kick we won from?! Lots of bodies in the box but some finish if so.
  21. bit the bullet and went to the doctors today, was better than the last time i went to the doctors, dr I saw was nice and personable. Somewhat alarmed when she listened to my breathing at various points in my body and said it was a bit murky everywhere, but ive got antibiotics at least + she bothered her arse to arrange a follow up next week if it isnt all clearing up. Frustrating as there's a few possible causes for whats going on (symptoms are myriad - new continuous cough, little bit of blood in my mucus when I hack it up but not exactly coughing blood, just a wee bit of red spots through it, wheezy breath, noticeably out of breath walking the dogs/doing weights and most alarmingly chest pains when I'm waking up which started in October/November, went away for a bit and is now waking me up literally every single day and *only* seems to be there in the morning; that bit of my chest is tender to touch the rest of the time. Wee bit of soreness around my right abdomen but only really when applying a little pressure to it.) Loss of appetite too but I wonder if that could be stressing out over the other symptoms rather than a symptom itself. Causes she suggested are anything from viral and/or bacterial infection; the chest pain could be rib damage from weightlifting but tbh I don't think its that (I would imagine if it was the cause of any discomfort I'd have noticed or felt some kind of tear/pain the last time I lifted which was over 2 weeks ago now, as I feel fucked most of the time); cough and wheeziness could be at least partially from stopping smoking in early December; morning chest pain could be silent reflux. Couple of covid tests over winter came back negative so unless its some kind of Super Covid I'm ruling that out. Fun and games, but as above the doctor was sound and reassured me we've a plan. I'll take the antibiotics for a few days and see how much difference that makes, anything virus related just needs to go away on its own and the amoxycillin will hopefully clear up anything bacterial. She said she's confident it'll almost all clear up within a week, but if needs must they'll arrange to test some of my spit/mucus (yum) and maybe even get a chest x-ray on the go which tbh I'd be happy with purely for reassurance it *isnt* something serious. Loads of illness going round all over, and I definitely passed on a nasty bug to family over Christmas as they all got ill after me too, but some of the above symptoms started months ago (certainly the wheeziness and getting out of breath doing weights) and while my family have shaken off a lot of the worst of it I'm still not really getting all that much better, if at all. I'm content as long as the morning chest pain fucks off as soon as possible, the rest I'm happy to give time to heal over time. It disappears when I roll onto my other side but the fact it stopped a few weeks back and is back with a vengeance bothers me. EDIT: amoxicillyn is marvellous stuff, already feeling way better, hurrah!
  22. dont know if any footage will survive of it but i mind we had a televised cup tie against Hearts ages ago, we lost it 2-1 and they had a man sent off. Sure we had a free kick struck at goal that deflected and looked for all the world like it was going in but he clawed it away anyway, genuinely one of the best saves ive ever seen a keeper make. edit: best i can find https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/scottish/hearts-2-partick-thistle-1-flashy-gordon-stars-as-hearts-thwart-thistle-6108189.html
  23. aye, i mind fuming at Barton letting leigh griffiths just effortlessly go past him in the penalty box for his customary goal against us at Firhill, was barely even a half-hearted attempt at a challenge. May even have been the same game Dumbaya gave away a penalty, we lost it 2-1 after going one up through a Sammon penalty of our own which made the pea-hearted attempt by Barton all the more galling.
  24. fair shouts, especially that fucking Lennon dirge, but the Shakin' Stevens one always reminds me of Filth so it has grown on me edit: its the saab that gets me everytime, idk why
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