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Everything posted by Tryfield

  1. When I'm dead and gone. McGuiness Flint.
  2. Put this old disc on this morning. Realised why I bought it. Pure music and brilliant singing from amatuers. The guy who sings Babylon, Duncan Elder, said to the producers he would just run through it before "doing the take". He went through the song, and the sound recordist told him that that was it done. One take, and he didn't know it was being recorded. A good album of acoustic music. "I'll open my case and I might catch a coin, but all ears may listen for free". Steve Forbert.
  3. Noisy eaters. Not just those who eat with their big gubs open and smack away as if they are chewing a red hot hoover belt. Those who f**k about with the very last morsel on the plate. Hacking away with a knife and fork, as if they were trying to split the fuCking atom.
  4. 1- I dislike party politics. I'd rather see independant MP's fighting for their constituents, rather than tow a party line. Also dislike the EU. 2- I hate religion. I especially hate schools which make a point of showing just who/what their pupils are. Great age to brainwash people. The starting point for sectarianism. 3- 20years ago, I was 1 of 6 people, from 650 applicants, to get the job I'm presently in. 4- Am absolutely rotten at using a shotgun. 5- One of my first ever visits to Somerset Park (aged 6 or 7) I found £3.80 in loose change. Ayr had beaten Motherwell 5-0 and I take it the celebrations had spilled coins from pockets onto the then ash steps. A lot of money then, for a youngster. Have got sympathy for the insomniacs. 4 hours sleep max for me every night.
  5. Folk with them key thingies hangin from a belt loop. Put them in yer pocket.
  6. Jaws. That's the last time I went tae the pictures.
  7. Hard of hearing folk (that's deef b*****ds) who are too vain to wear a hearing aid. AAAARRRGGGGHH.
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