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Everything posted by retired

  1. Just had a look at new book 150 years in the making , thought might have been more on re building Rugby Park(just an observation not a complaint). Anyone got any pictures of game against Blackburn ?
  2. If the game is rescheduled after fans are let in , which seems possible, then it’s not much of a punishment when you get the added income through the gate and hospitality. And tv revenue as well.
  3. Changes already, players not rolling around with fake injuries and getting up and on with the game. Wonder if that’ll catch on when crowds are back.
  4. Knapp was being fed a lot of the ball from teammates so yes even they think he’s the main man. As for Joe Gold , nothing to add that hasn’t been said before.
  5. Can’t really argue with that, but guys heart in right place, watched. Shortlees today for first time in a long time and yes their hate for me is not a surprise.[emoji85] Everyone thinks Knapp is the main man, but for me Mason is the one to watch in this team .
  6. Remember the old guys who used to stand at 18 yd line far side at Glenafton giving the linesman (it was a while ago) pelters. In exasperation he replied “I’ve forgot mair about fitba than you two will ever know”. The reply ...........” we’ll it looks like you’ve forgot it awe the day son “
  7. I have two programmes( two different dates) from the famous Celtic v Inverness C.T. Scottish cup tie. first game on the Saturday was postponed because of loose guttering on stand.
  8. Home dressing rooms look great Jim, if away isn’t touched I assume referee will move into old home dressing room then or have you swopped them round?
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