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paul wright scores

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Everything posted by paul wright scores

  1. I was at the Blantyre game (my first game for a couple of months) and I don't think you can say the players didn't try - Jamie Doc, for example, put in a great shift. However, unfortunately individually and as a unit they simply are not good enough to gain promotion over the course of a season. On the day they were beaten by a much better football team - Blantyre's 2 midfielders (number 6 and (I think) their number 8) ran the game and Arthurlie just couldn't create as many good chances as Blantyre did.
  2. Another great night was the one we beat Aberdeen 2 - 1 to give us a chance of staying in the top league.
  3. Ha ha - I noticed that at the time too.
  4. I don't even think they have bothered to consider other options. As you say a very lazy appointment and one I find baffling and totally uninspiring. Unless he suddenly gets an injection of enthusiasm I fear for us. Bring on the relegation battle!!
  5. Well that was absolutely woeful and we can have no complaints on getting nothing from the game. We were absolutely clueless and could play for a week and not score any goals. I have not been as bored watching Kilmarnock as I have this season for many, many years, and this includes the spell where we won enough games to go 3rd/4th in the league. It is brutal to watch and today was probably one of the worst performances. St Mirren could have scored about 6 had they had a bit more composure in front of goal, especially Morais. Very rarely do I ever 'boo' any Killie players but I did so at the end of the game today, as that was just not acceptable. No plan, no structure, and a very poor attitude from quite a few of them. I didn't see anything from Dyer to think he is the man to take us forward. As for Gary Dicker he can go anytime, as can Brophy and Sow. I also can't work out why Miller is always played down the left when he can't cross a ball with his left foot, as he proved again a few times today. The keeper is probably the 2nd worst keeper I have ever seen play for us in over 50 years (Only Dubourdeau manages to beat him). Well done St Mirren on winning comfortably, but you'll not get many easier matches for the remainder of the season
  6. This is what I was hoping would be the case, confirming a good manager/coaching team s far more important than a bigger budget a lot of the time. You guys are having a great season.
  7. Season over before Christmas, team going nowhere and I suppose the only consolation is that they are unlikely to get relegated. The team have lost 8 out of 17 league matches so far, which is a dreadful performance. I have heard that 'Tiger' has also left the club This season has been an unmitigated disaster for the club and I wonder where they are going to end up, as there doesn't seem to be any plan in place to progress the club. Quick and genuine question for Glasgow Taxi, is the Arthurlie budget higher than Neilston's or Blantyre's?
  8. Used to go there most Saturday nights, but it is a fair walk from the ground. Bull Inn in New Street is a good option
  9. I think we'll get hammered on Thursday, probably 4 or 5 nil. First Boxing Day fixture I have missed in years but I refuse to pay £29 for a ticket. Looking forward to the St Mirren game next Sunday though.
  10. I was at that game and Best was different class from everyone else on the pitch. The tannoy played Auld Lang Syne (Go home ya h*ns) at the end of the game - made it even better. Frightening that is 40 years ago
  11. Dear God - no thanks. He's done a 'great' job with both Bury and Blyth side he left us. A complete charlatan
  12. Neilston's result is the best by a mile.
  13. Brilliant result - That has to be the result of the day.
  14. Cheers Monalie - I didn't know that this line linked Lanarkshire and Ayrshire via Neilston and certainly don't remember trains using it.
  15. I know there are remnants of railway lines between Neilston and Uplawmoor (near Shilford for example) but is the line you are referring to one that extended beyond the current station and went behind Brig o'Lea and onwards towards Uplawmoor?
  16. IIRC the tracks still ran to just about the back end of Brig O'Lea into the early 1980s. I'm sure the trains used to run up there to switch tracks for the return trip to Glasgow. I'll get my anorak. The trains still go beyond the station to turn around for the journey back to Glasgow, but I don't remember them going as far as Brig O'Lea. Not saying that is wrong just that I don't remember it.
  17. At one time I believe there were 3 different railway lines running through Barrhead, and they all ran close to where Dunterlie is located. One of the long lost stations was located at the Centre of Barrhead in Cochrane Street, which is about a 3 minute walk from the ground.
  18. So allowing for the fact that McGregor was docked a point, none of the 3 judges actually thought Farooq won that fight - the best that he got was a draw from them. I find that amazing as IMO Farooq won that fight quite comfortably. McGregor spent half the fight holding onto Farooq.
  19. Pleased with this appointment. Hopefully he will have gained a lot of experience and built up good contacts over the last few years. At least it is not Smith, although I can't believe he was even considered in the first place. I also astonished he had the cheek to apply considering the comments he made last season about us when we cut his beloved's ticket allocation.
  20. In the late 70s and early 80s when we played Rangers and Celtic we were given the Dundonald Road side fo the terracing. I think the fans complained about it and it was swapped back to the Rugby Road side later on.
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