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paul wright scores

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Everything posted by paul wright scores

  1. 4 or 5 weeks will be enough. The fact they couldn't in 2014 and still can't answer what currency we will use if we go independent is one of the main reasons I didn't in 2014 and still won't vote for independence. I am not against it in principal but until issues like that are clarified I can't vote for it.
  2. That's a cracking crowd when you consider the size of the population of the 2 towns
  3. Can't believe I am writing this but well done to the Celtic fans for continuing to highlight this issue. The pricing this season is criminal.
  4. It was Devlin McKay who came on as a substitute. He has been injured now for some time.
  5. I believe it is the Geoff Hurst Testimonial Back row: Ron Spiers and Peter Allen (linesmen), Ferreira Eusebio (Portugal), Willi Schultz (West Germany), Dave Mackay (Scotland), Tommy Gemmell (Scotland), John Jackson (Crystal Palace), Geoff Hurst (England), Jimmy Greaves (England), Jack Taylor (referee), Rodney Marsh (England). Front row: Jimmy Johnstone (Scotland), Mike Docherty (Burnley), Uwe Seeler (West Germany), Antonio Simoes (Portugal), Ted McDougall (Bournemouth), Mordechai Spiegler (Israel).
  6. Can't say that inspires me too much, however Alessio's signings to date have been good.
  7. While I understand what you are saying I do think this is a pretty defeatist attitude to be honest. The club is dying on its arse, there is so much apathy around the town about the club right now, crowds continue to fall, the standard of football appears to be getting worse, but all you see are negatives around trying something different to promote the club further. Most people I know who go do so out of loyalty and over the last 4-5 years little expectation of success People like you, I know will always go to see Arthurlie and know what is going on, but there are still lots of people who do not use social media such as Facebook and Twitter, like me, and never will, so you have to make the club visible to people in as many ways as possible. I think it was Sotori who commented on the website and social media, not me. As I said above I don't use it so you can post all you like but I will never see it, so you are not getting the message to the likes of me, hence why I suggested something different.
  8. Are the 2 wins against Cowdenbeath and Alloa? Ironically, we won the Tennent Caledonian Cup in 1979, winning both games on penalties - against Brighton on the Friday night and Rangers on the Sunday afternoon. If I remember correctly our last minute equalise was also a penalty.
  9. I've said for years there should be a board outside the ground advertising the next game. Carlibar Road sees a lot of passing traffic yet there is nothing to indicate when the next game is on. 3 miles away Whitecraigs RFC have such a board, which is clearly visible to passing traffic, and I am sure it means more people will watch their games.
  10. You are correct as we have discussed regularly over the last few years. I suspect many of those still going do so out of blind loyalty. I know I have done the same by going to Rugby Park for over 50 years, however I used to always go to an Arthurlie game if I wasn't at the Killie match or there was no Killie match, but over the last few years have done so less and less because often the standard is poor. Sid is more entertaining than the football at times. With the prices we are being charged by some of the senior clubs there should be more likelihood of me going along to Dunterlie, however there is little incentive to do so. - The crowds are dwindling all the time and as older supporters stop going there is no one to replace them. Many older supporters have passed away or are no longer fit to come along. - I wonder what are the crowds going to be like in the middle of winter? - How many kids go nowadays? The park was always packed with youngsters kicking a ball about at half time but now you will be lucky if there are a dozen or so there. As you know, none of my friends ever come along to Dunterlie any longer as there is nothing there to entice them to come along - It's more than 2 seasons since any of them were there. Sad days and unless something happens to encourage them the situation is only going to get worse.
  11. I think delaying change is simply wasting even more time. Harsh maybe, but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet. I will be amazed if he manages to get that team promoted. I should be at the Darvel game as I am not able to go to Tynecastle that day, so it will be interesting to see how they compete against them.
  12. Looks like it is against us, so I will be in that crowd somewhere - - I think John Bourke is at the edge of the box. If it is the late 80s is it the game we beat them 1 nil to avoid relegation (for 1 season) when Jim Gilmour scored?
  13. More than likely so many people wanted to see the game they moved to to Hampden, which was massive then. There were a lot of fans from other Scottish teams there - my brother-in -law and a good number of his mates, all Rangers fans came down from Ardrishaig to watch the game.
  14. And have failed to include the free ticket option Killie offer to under 16s when an adult one is purchased.
  15. Very true, sadly I think clubs will realise this too late.
  16. Like many of the posters allude to here, the price to get into an away game is now too expensive for me, especially when you add in the cost of travel. Going forward I will probably now stop travelling through to the likes of Edinburgh, Perth and Aberdeen on a regular basis. I'm in the position where I have retired, live off a works pension, am still too young to qualify for the State Pension, but still have to pay full price to get into a game, so the costs involved going to an away match now use up far too much of my income and for the quality on show it is simply not worth it. I feel the same now with regards to going to see live bands/artists. It's my choice not to get another job, so have to accept it, but I think travelling supports are going to fall considerably over the next few seasons as ticket prices approach £30. As for going to any senior matches involving teams other than Killie I simply would not pay the prices nowadays for a game not involving Killie, yet when I was younger I regularly went to Love Street and Fir Park along with friends, as prices were reasonable in those days.
  17. Blackford and Swinson were both interviewed live on BBC this morning.
  18. That's the way they work and to be honest every club should be doing the same. It's up to us to stick to our guns like they did to Arsenal and what Motherwell did to them to get the price we feel we are entitled to. I would be amazed though if we get anything like £3mn for him from them, sadly. Hopefully we will, but I don't want loans from them as part of any deal as there is no longer term value for us in such a deal.
  19. Ironically Real Madrid won the European Cup the season beating Patizan (Belgrade) I actually didn't realise that was classed as the first round (Last 16) as we had already played and beaten a team from Tirana, Albania (17 Nentori), which transpires was a Preliminary Round
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