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Posts posted by Stewartl

  1. Got to page 8 and found my mates, knew there was a chance that I'd find the ginger one, then I noticed the 18 badge and quickly realised that was the only night I've ever been to the Cathouse so I'm scared to look at anymore pages.

    I really wouldn't be surprised if I appeared on this.

    If you go through from the start there is a guy on page 1 that is the spitting image of you :lol: The only difference is he weres glasses

  2. Where can i find a list of races that a horse is running in? need to find out when Lee Miller is racing again because he's been winning quite a few races recently.

    Set up an account with easyodds.com (free) You can then put any horses in a watchlist and easyodds e-mail everytime it is due to run. Decent service

  3. Hope no-one got their fingers burnt on Thisthatandtother!! Lost at an SP of 1/9... dont think I have ever seen such odds beaten!

    I seen a 1\16 shot be beaten. Seen a 1\50 beaten at the football aswell. Man Utd 0 Exeter 0 a few years ago in the FA Cup

  4. Cheers pal, 2/2. Came in handy as been up sh*t creek with my gambling recently.

    One to watch tonight is Nigella 8:50 Wolves, 7/2. Might be worth a small punt.

    Think I will quit whilst I am ahead (although will have £10 on Nigella). Only fear is the horse Harry Up, been watching it for a while, currently round 5's. Will be sick if it wins

    Harry Up needs an uncontested lead to win. If there is pace around it it has no chance. Give it an easy lead and its always got a shout

  5. I noticed Greenall got the first two at Newcastle the other day, one for Alan Swinbank and one for Mick Easterby. Easterby\Greenall have a particularly good strike rate in bumpers. Sure cant b long before Tom Greenall turns pro as he has been riding as a conditional for a good few years now. As for Gansey, i haven't looked at the race as i am in work but i'd advise against lumping into short priced favs at Fakenham unless it has some previous course form. It's a specialists track as it very tight and you are always on the turn. Very much the Chester of the National hunt scene. Not all horses handle it

  6. I have been at musselburgh over the last 2 meetings, the first time I was there, "HALLASAN" won, and looked very impressive, pretty positive he will come up trumps again today.

    Now I was planning a massive bet today on "PERTEMPS NETOWRK" however was pulled out yesterday, which I was gutted about. This horse ran at the last 2 meeting at musselburgh, first time it won over a 2 mile class 4 event, 2nd time it ran in a class 3 event and was leading by 3 lengths until the last fence where it unseated the rider. Now going back to its first run, it won narowlly and the horse that finished 2nd was "HALL OF FAME" so Im using this as a kind of yardstick, and think this means "HALL OF FAME" is in with a great shout.

    I am sure it was a Class 2 race Pertempts Network fell in. Wasn't it the Scottish Triumph Hurdle? Was at Musselburgh on Wednesday there aswell and bet Hall OF Fame. Should have known it wasn't going to win cause it drifted like a barge. Was a beaten horse when it fell. I think it broke a leg and had to be destroyed. May be wrong though

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