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Posts posted by relichtie

  1. 8 minutes ago, SimonLichtie said:

    I genuinely don't get what you're alluding too though - how could he have done anything about any of those injuries?

    I agree though - he really is absurdely unlucky, but while we have to take it into account, it can't be the excuse trotted out in a couple of months time.....

    Not alluding to anything, just simply asking a question about the squad size and whether we should look for more quantity instead of quality. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, SimonLichtie said:

    This one is really poor - well below your usual standards IMO. Demonstrably true to anyone who reads what I said. 

    I'd see the argument if they were all training related, but it's entirely the opposite, none of them are training related. Gallagher had a niggling muscular injury when he signed, Reilly got a muscular injury during the first friendly, Hammy got whacked (I think, can't actually quite remember tbh), Goldie got whacked, Dowser got a muscular injury during a game as did ToB.

    How could it be the managements fault?

    JMac must be the unluckiest manager we have ever had then

  3. Listening to JMac after the ICT game it sounds like ToB, Dow, Hammy and possibly Gold are out for Sat. If the 2 strikers are added in that brings our 19 down to 13 assuming all the others are fit enough. Is this down to bad luck or bad management decisions?

  4. 8 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Said it already - 3 of the most exciting players in this division were loan players last year.


    Also the quality loans you talk of, Wighton and Hamilton etc - they all progressed by going out on loan to lower divisions and working their way up.


    Obviously the loans won’t be as good as the ones we got in the Championship but they don’t have to be because we are not in the Championship we are  in L1. 

    Loan players have always been a big thing for PT teams in L1 and L2 - we have had so many very good loans whilst being in L1 and L2, why would you think it was pie in the sky?


    Hope I'm wrong about loanees, but we need another 2 strikers in if we are to play with 2 up top and cover for injuries. With 18 players signed now it limits our chances unless we get players moved on to make some space. Pie in the sky might have been the wrong choice of words but Saturday was completely unacceptable 

  5. 5 minutes ago, lichtie23 said:

    If you were at the AGM you know the exact reason we don’t have a youth team 

    I was and I do know the reasons, but still think that we should be trying to do something. Our tie up with the Arbroath Vics might be a way to sign youth players and "farm" them out while remaining our players but able to be recalled. Just a suggestion.

  6. All this talk of waiting for possible loanees is pie in the sky imo. When we were in the championship we could look to get quality players in eg Noubs, J Hamilton, Wighton etc, but I can't see players of this quality dropping to League 1. The attraction for us was that we got a certain amount of TV coverage on Friday evenings, and that was a chance for our loanees to put themselves in the "shop window". That is definitely not the case in Lg 1. 

    Far better to have had cover for our unfit strikers, than ask players like Dow to take on a completely alien role as a striker. Had we some sort of youth policy in place, then  someone from there could plug the gaps until the strikers were fit. An untried youth striker is surely a better option than a midfielder unused to the role.  

  7. 19 hours ago, timlichtie said:

    Getting badly beaten at home by Annan is one of the low points of a very bad series of defeats. The fact that they were showboating in the second half against the team supposedly league favourites speaks volumes. What happened to the level of performance shown against Dundee? We were second best even before the sending off.

    Never mind no strikers. We had no midfield creativity. Their no 11 was streets ahead of anyone in Maroon.

    I was prepared to give the new management team a chance, but their time is fast running out. If we’re struggling due to lack of the right players it’s because we haven’t signed the right players.


    "I was prepared to give the new management team a chance, but their time is fast running out. If we’re struggling due to lack of the right players it’s because we haven’t signed the right players."

    Absolutely correct Tim.

    With 2 crocked strikers is it down to bad luck or bad managerial signings. ?

  8. Imo if we are not challenging for the title then this is failure. At the AGM the board made it clear we want to be back in the championship at the first opportunity, and I agree, as in these 10 team leagues you need to aim for the top as it is so easy to under achieve and end up at the wrong end of the table. Sales of season tickets and merchandise will give the club more scope financially to support the signing of the standard of player needed. 

  9. 9 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Email today saying over 500 season tickets sold - decent number at this stage when fixtures not even released and all eyes on Scotland (lol). Would imagine we should get to 1k plus again this season 

    Be a lot of fence sitters waiting to see how we start before taking the plunge. Got mine though. Cmon Lichties 

  10. Went and watched the Mo v ICT game and even then the Inverness support were complaining about the money certain individuals were getting. To say they were unaware that the club was being run badly and in danger of collapsing is not true. They must have had an idea that they were running huge losses to attract the players and managers they recruited. A club built on very shaky foundations.

  11. 14 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Jason Thomson retired - a fine right back, brilliant for Arbroath and from everything I’ve heard about him a really good lad and a bit of a madman on a night out. 

    Hopefully the club do a post for it 

    Brilliant defender for us. Our defence was our strength when Thommo was in it and never the same after he left. 

  12. 14 hours ago, RedLichtie86 said:

    To be honest we should never have been in this situation if we wanted McKenna and Gaston past this season. Letting their contracts to get into the last year was a bad idea and they have chosen to leave rather than stay. Their contracts should have been extended last summer but they were not. 

    As far as i know Gaston was offered a deal to stay. But not as number 1 keeper as McIntyre is wanting a younger keeper to take on the role but have an experienced keeper to challenge for the role. Gaston didnt want to be 2nd choice.

    Now Gaston is an excellent keeper but he is slowing. Certainly not as agile as before so i can see why McIntyre wants a replacement. Had to happen at some point but at least 1 year too early.

    Gats has saved us on so many occasions over the last few seasons, has been MoM in so many matches, so it is understandable that he would like to continue as our number 1.  Goalkeepers can go on well beyond outfield players ages and his experience would have been a great asset going forward. He has gone though and I wish him all the best for the future wherever it takes him. 

  13. 11 hours ago, TheRoundO said:

    Gaston is the departure I think is hardest to take. A great keeper who can have 2-3 more years at L1 level or above. A real shame. 

    Reckon Gats would have stayed if offered a deal. Not sure about Ricky and Mikey. JMac needs to bring in some decent replacements or it could get ugly for him very quickly. 

  14. 2 hours ago, RedLichtie86 said:

    Little, Gaston and McKenna away.

    3 big players. 3 big sets of boots to fill.

    Gutted that these 3 have left us. Understandable that Mikey wants to stay in the championship but Gsts and Ricky would have coped in Lg1 easily imo.

  15. 7 hours ago, DUAFC said:

    There certainly was.

    I used to get excited waiting for the Sporting Post to arrive at the railway station on a Saturday night, to read a report about a match I'd watched that afternoon.......maybe that was just me 🤔

    Whatever happened to the Sporting Post? It was great to get some reports from that afternoon games. But like all good things, they come to an end🥲

  16. 10 hours ago, RedLichtie86 said:

    Yes. Other than the 9 i have mentioned earlier the rest are out of contract.

    No idea about Slater as i cant find any info to say when his deal ends.

    I am almost sure that Slater signed a two year deal, so  one year to go I reckon

  17. 20 minutes ago, RedLichtie86 said:

    I have no problems with saying "punters". Is it derogatory? No. Is it demeaning? No.

    Its just another word used to describe a fan or supporter. I have heard countless people se that over the years and not once have i felt disrespected by that.

    I consider myself a fan or a supporter. I look on the word punter as someone who bets on sporting events.

    That's just my take on it.

  18. 1 hour ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    Somebody did say that Ricky Little would scoosh league 1 a couple pages back, which is a bold call, given his legs went 2 years ago and he still seems to think his job is to carry the ball into midfield...


    Edited...aye, what relichtie said.

    In Lg1 I would expect us to be more attacking than defending than in the championship, which would allow older players like Ricky Little more time to recover than just now when our defence is in almost constant pressure but that's just my opinion.

  19. 20 minutes ago, JoseMarooniho said:

    I’m not sure who’s claiming we’d scoosh anything. Nobody that I can see in a quick squint through this pish. I’d take a respectable mid table spot next season but feel even that will take a lot of work. 

    I said that imo Ricky Little would scoosh it in Lg1, compared to being in the championship,  but not that Arbroath would scoosh the league

  20. Had we stayed in the championship, I think it might have been a season too far for Ricky, but he would scoosh Lg1 imo. Hopefully we get Gats and Mikey signed up as well. Not able to make next Wednesday as I have another commitment but will be interesting to see the reaction of those there and if JMac can get them onside.

  21. 12 hours ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    Its a sad day when I find myself not trusting a word the club says.  

    It is sad because these last few years have seen a real connect between the board and the support mostly due to the chairman's approach being very welcoming. There was a distance in the past between the board and fans in the past and it would be a real shame if this happens again. 

    Dick Campbell was one of the "old school" managers who would tear strips off players for not doing what they were telt, but he had what can only be described as "bizzaz". Okay he blethered a lot of hot air sometimes but he could get a shift out of ordinary players, that JMac seems unable to do. I expect a resurgent EF under Dick and Pink similar to the bounce we got. If we "bomb" next season, we could see the Fifers in Lg1 and us back in the basement. Worrying times

  22. 1 hour ago, Tattie36 said:

    Up until a few months or so ago I would have put as down as one of, if not THE best run club in Scotland. Even when we started to struggle on the pitch it still seemed like things were going very well off it.

    How times change. A really bad feeling around just now. The board need a big period of introspection in the summer as they are in serious danger of losing a lot of what has been built up over the last few years.


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