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Posts posted by relichtie

  1. 2 hours ago, timlichtie said:

    Article in the Courier today making it clear that Jim McIntyre has the confidence of the Board and will lead us into next season. He outlined his vision for the L1 campaign which includes a purely part time squad. At least the contentious hybrid approach has been binned. Can’t think many will argue with that. If he’s going to succeed then the fans need to be onside. I’d hope that there will be some significant engagement like a Q and A session before the end of the season.


    Hope so but so far he hasn't engaged with the supporters at all as far as I recall. A Q&A would definitely let the fans know what his and the clubs plans are and maybe get some onside.

  2. 33 minutes ago, Housecaptain said:

    It is, but regretfully will it be enough to make Mike sign on for another season under the present manager. 

    I am not convinced. 

    After match thoughts from JMac. Defo not inspirational. No chance Mikey here with him at the helm. 

  3. Sometimes a manager and club just don't work out. Take Clough  at Leeds. The board at Leeds quickly worked out that "it wasn't working" and a change was needed. If as stated above 80-90% of the supporters are unhappy with JMac then the board needs to recognise this. I fear that things will get worse in these last few games and the crowds will continue to dwindle. Season ticket holders have already "paid their entry fees" for this season,  but will a lot of them renew for next season. 

  4. Having read the posts on here ,I can find virtually no support for JMac. If this is the same for those fans who don't post here, then the board needs to take note or it could backfire financially in season ticket sales for next season. The diehards will always buy one but we have gained a lot who do because of the success we have had recently. We are going to be hit financially anyway with vastly reduced away support, Alloa, Stenny etc will bring low hundreds if even that compared to DUFC and Dunfermline, Raith who turned up in their thousands. On the youth side of things, one thing noticeable watching other clubs is the age of some of their players, 18- 20 odds while our squad seems filled with 27-30+ year olds. A decent youth system can pay off, Hamilton brought through, McCarthy and MacArthur a few years back and both went south for big fees and became international for their countries. Definitely worth revisiting imo.

  5. Normally I am not in favour of chopping and changing managers as it creates unstability at a club, but the decisions by JMac in team selection and tactics are indefensible. His after match talk was as much gibberish as some of the stuff DC used to spout, but at least DC had passion and positivity about him. As said above we could lose a huge chunk of the best bits of our squad if the board persevere with McIntyre. Still think we were not ambitious enough when appointing successor to DC as a manager with better contacts could have brought in some real quality loanees instead of the run of the mill guys we got. We are all but down now and the board needs to look at if JMac is the man to get us back, I fear not.

  6. What's happened to Jess Norey. Is he gone or injured? Always thought he put in a good shift and would be a decent signing for next season. If these are not signed already, I would like Stewart, Mikey, Gats, McIntosh and Little resigned for a  Lg 1 campaign. Can't decide on Lyon, looks decent enough for Lg 1.

  7. 46 minutes ago, HoBNob said:

    Without trying to come across as patronising,  if yous do go down it'll be a shame. I've done Arbroath as an away day a few times during your time and it's just great. Tons of good pubs, lovely ground and good pies. 

    Yesterday was my first time up since Peter Grants last game, and either I didn't notice (Was doing a pub crawl of Arbroath that day to see if we could do all of them in one day), or it's happened since but the improvements to the ground are lovely. Seen the new turnstiles at the home end and the new wall? Really makes it looks allot more professional, if it's any consolation you can at least look back at this stay in the Championship as a long one, with a few great seasons and one which enabled you to do some improvements to the stadium and infrastructure. Offer that to any part time side and they'd take that IMO. Hopefully the improvements mean that your stay in league one will be brief. 

    On another note does anyone have an email for someone at the club with regards to programmes? Yesterday was my sons first game but I came in a bit late and couldn't see any for sale. 

    You could try office@ arbroathfc.co.uk.

  8. We really needed to win or at least get a point last week v PT. It was a first of 3 home winnable games and we blew it. As said above though, would want to see us go down fighting all the way than with a whimper. Go for it from the first minute and leave nothing on the park at 90 mins. C'mon lichties. 

  9. 1 hour ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    It’s outrageous to bang on about death threats and to do it purely to emphasise your shitty point in your stupid social media post that is not someone who cares about the fans or is indeed living in reality - death threats - honestly made me rage seeing that. Don’t know why it’s took so long to come to light but a wee dig deeper into it all has also really annoyed me


    Paul Reid obviously done a good job in regards to many different aspects but I’m not hearing great things in regards to so many other things too - and this stuff can’t continue when we drop a league the finance won’t and shouldn’t be there for to fund some of it - it’s making me angry at the thought of putting additional finance over and above my season ticket into the club to pay the wages of some of these people 

    Is "Always Arbroath" giving finance for the playing side or to pay wages for some of these new staff positions, when others did it for the love of the club in the past. ?

  10. 15 hours ago, SmokeyJoe said:

    Poor again. 

    jim goes for me they subs today we absolutely baffling. No even any sort of change to try win that game today. We absolutely haven’t got any better under him he has his best spell when we had 11/12 players fit 

    Exactly. 1-0 down and he brings on a striker but takes Bird off, when we needed to win. Better to try and turn the game round and lose another goal, than meekly accept defeat. The board needs to look at if he is the man to get us back up. I fear not. 

  11. 11 hours ago, 36-0 Maroon said:

    8 Cup Finals Lichties  🇱🇻⚽🔥💪🏆

    Time is admittedly running out and everyone has written us off already but I still have faith and fully believe we can stay up but it is very much last chance saloon in these 3 upcoming home games. 

    Building on from the momentum in the last  Home game against Raith we just need to go for it and leave nothing on the table, If we are destained for League 1 that’s fine but at least let’s go down fighting  🤩

    We have already beaten these teams already this season and rather convincingly too so it can be done again. With the players we have got there is no reason why we can’t or won’t do it again so let’s get behind the team and roar them onto the great escape ⚽🔥🇱🇻💪 This Championship is so so bloody unpredictable and with a few wins and a bit of confidence returning then anything can happen and will give us massive confidence boost heading into the final few games. We just need to focus on ourselves and take it week by week, game by game 💪


    3 Home games back to back and we need at least 7 points I reckon. 9 would be better. Let's get to it and as said before "go down fighting". 

  12. Those of us with longer memories will recount worse seasons than this. After Dick taking over we were 2nd bottom of LG2 and won the league season after. Similar situation with Dave Baikie, bottom to promotion. This was always likely to happen at some time as has been said before in posts. To be the only part time side is really tough and the injury situation was a major factor in how the season has gone. We are not down yet, but it seems likely to be soon, and we need to rebuild and be challengers for the Lg1 title next season from day one if we are relegated. 

  13. Hear what everyone is saying but still think we could have been more ambitious in our manager appointment. The club have layed out a lot of money on the infrastructure around the ground, new frontage, scoreboard, club shop in the Abbey gate etc and it will be a shame if we slide down the leagues after these last few seasons. As a club we need to be prudent, but it will cost us financially to drop to Lg1, and it might have been that a higher profile manager appointment would have paid off, and maintained our Championship status. 

  14. I don't think we were ambitious enough after the Campbells left. Did we ask Scott Brown (who went to Ayr) or anyone of similar stature.? His contacts or someone in the same bracket would have far more contacts at the top that JMac. Loanees from Celtic or other top clubs instead of Irish lower level or players from lower level clubs could have given us the quality to turn around the unbalanced squad left when the Campbells left imo. 

  15. 6 minutes ago, SimonLichtie said:

    Match fitness and not being injured are simply two massively different things, and I think a lot of us are really underestimating that. Usually when a player's been out injured they need 3/4 games to get back up to speed, and we're also doubling that up with trying to get the players working together and forming partnerships. It's basically impossible - so many of our squad are struggling for various reasons. It's the absolute opposite situation to the recent past of having 3/4 seasons with a very regular starting 11 and anyone coming in / out through a rare injury or a signing would have a much easier time of it getting up to speed/ building up understanding with 10 others players who already have that.

    I think the above really is the biggest factor in the last four months of the season, but of course there's a multitude of different things that have also played a large part. If we had the luck with injuries and other things that we had 3/4 years ago, despite how poor we've been over the season I think we'd be well within the pack of 4/5 others above us. Regardless, it wouldn't change the fact that we're missing key players in key positions, that our old guard are really creaking at points and that we've been competing above our station for the vast majority of the last 5/6 years. We were never going to consistently compete in this division without this happening sooner or later due to the nature of it.

    Regardless of if we go down or not, we have to be keeping 10 and signing 10 type thing. It's important we don't lose all continuity and the basis of what we have as it takes years to form anything from scratch, but we certainly need to be adding as much as we keep. We're also going to definitely lose players we'd want to stay. Realistically, a mixture of what I want to see and what is realistic I think would look roughly as follows:

    Darren Lyon

    Aaron Steele

    Scott Stewart

    Tam O'Brien

    David Gold

    Mikey McKenna

    Innes Murray

    Craig Slater

    Leighton McIntosh

    I think we can/ should keep the above 9, with others moving on who we might like to keep for various reasons, and another 1/2 staying who aren't listed.

    Innes Murray??? You're having a laugh. Better with Stowe who should improve with experience. 

  16. 17 minutes ago, unknown1954 said:

    I agree with a lot of your comments on this forum generally and I  personally do wonder about Tams commitment to  the fight  we are in for survival in this league but I think we have to  believe that he as our Captain and one of the best defenders I have ever seen at this level will step up and help keep us in the Championship for at least another season

    He has went from the best central defender in the championship to a player who looked nowhere near match ready yesterday. Is he coming back too quickly? . I would say yes.

    On the games side, reckon we need 6 wins from now to stand any chance of survival. A tall order under any circumstances, but with the sort of fight and commitment shown against Raith, we would stand a chance, but on yesterday's showing not a hope. 

  17. 12 hours ago, Hammerafc said:

    Obviously the 21/22 season had some great memories in this Championship run but some of the best were from our first season including a fantastic defensive display against Utd at Tannadice. Hopefully we can repeat that next week. Also that 3 0 win against Inverness and that Scott Stewart goal! 

    Some great memories of the last 5 seasons. Wighton at Tannadice for a 1-0, Hamilton on the telly v Killie, same result, and Dowds at Rugby Park are just three. And of course Noubs up front, and the common denominator, all loanees. It's a good way to get better players for a part time club. Great to hear James McFadden praising us so well on Friday and good to hear the Legend Bobby Linn saying we will stay up. 

  18. 3 hours ago, timlichtie said:

    The QP highlights are not for those of a nervous disposition. Both Teale and Boruc clearly struggling without an experienced central defender in the second half. I can’t believe ToB is out with a hand injury. I heard that it might be his season over. Really?

    Just saw the goals and that is not even schoolboy defending. Total embarrassment. 🤬

  19. It's been a blast in the Championship but it's reality check time now guys and gals. Apart from 1 season, we have always been bottom half and survival has been a success, but relegation was always going to happen at some time. 

    Looking ahead, we need to be challenging for the title next season. Financially we will probably take a hit but JMac should be able to put together a side challenging at the top of Lg1.

    If not it's back to the manager revolving office door again. 


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