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Posts posted by Keltygaz

  1. The ground is owned by Fife Council and Kelty don’t have exclusive rights but Kevin Thomson in his interview when appointed said a factor was the plans to have two stadiums side by side.
    They have Alex Rowley who seems to be able to direct Fife Council to do what he wants so will be an interesting watch by other Fife Clubs to see if preferential treatment is dished out.
  2. The actual state of that email. If those were official minutes they would be barred from being published. They are laden with accusatory language and I would suggest don't provide an accurate reflection of the night's events.  As a side note, in all my personal dealings with both the LL and eos not once have they ever made a decision based on if they 'like' someone or something. To suggest they have made such a major decision based on this is quite frankly incorrect and schoolboy/scheme mentality.
    Quick try and get everyone back onside, tell the clubs the LL and eos don't want or like us....absolute fabrication. Again.
    Having been part of the LL meeting that discussed the options available, I feel these minutes must be of a different meeting.

    All I can say is that all LL clubs had no real desire to favour any of the four options presented, but were heavily in support of a WOSL possibly under SLFL administration at tier 6. Thus ensuring similar constititution with LL, EOSL and SSOL.

    I certainly missed any sign of a dissident minority, whilst there was active and committed conversation.
  3. Just because they didn#'t say it doesn't mean they don't think it.

    Kelty's decision to leave the juniors to join the pyramid was taken as it was felt by the club committee as the best opportunity to further develop the football club. Like all clubs we would welcome extra footfall through the gate, but this would be the same whatever level we played at. Everyone associated with the club look forward to the fresh challenges ahead.
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