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Everything posted by mjw

  1. He'll not be ready to play before the September weekend never mind Sunday.
  2. He absolutely revelled in all the attention he got for that article. Tweets and retweets all day.
  3. Probably the best part of the forum for that mentalness.
  4. I've read some people went in the Cooper because of the queues caused by it being a cash gate. £12/6 sounds great until everyone turns up with twenty's and tenners and takes all their change away.
  5. Anyone else dubious about the attendance given? I thought it was down on a normal league attendance with a decent away support.
  6. So brexit was about creating banking jobs in Dublin? Was that on a bus?
  7. What about watching the Chelsea v Arsenal friendly that was on earlier,is that tragic?
  8. Eight games in Scotland definitely makes that guy relevant.
  9. I'm not sure anyone except Jmo thinks he is "left wing" Yet this one post has set you off tonight?
  10. The rich offspring's parents will have paid tax while getting rich. Would we not encourage more tax avoidance if they can't benefit from what they pay in?
  11. Because its an investment in doctors and surgeons and engineers and things that us people who didn't go to university might need in the future. I don't drive but I'm sure some of my tax money goes to build roads for wealthy people to drive on.
  12. Was getting pushed aside with a new communications director coming in.
  13. They had an extra meeting at the G20 that Trump went into alone, Putin brought an aide to take notes. He's got absolutely no come back if anything was 'lost in translation' in that meeting. He's also now supposedly sounding out his lawyers about using pardons for his family and aides. The special prosecutor has got him flapping.
  14. That news sent Duncan Hothersall heading for his twitter to claim a wee victory. Labour are the only main party with a democratically elected leader. Absolutely shameless from a Blairite who still hates Corbyn.
  15. His big hissy fit and flouncing off twitter didn't last then?
  16. Last time she went up a mountain she came down with a general election.
  17. He's done an interview with the 'failing' NY times. He's fucked his attorney general right under a bus.
  18. In the opinion of a self confessed internet troll? I bet he's gutted.
  19. And we only ever see you in this part of the board when there is some SNP bad story on the go. Peter Brady loyal the rest of the time.
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