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Everything posted by mjw

  1. mjw


    It was some way to listen to an album. I've not been to bed after a night shift last night and was a bit worried I'd be snoring by the end. There were two crashed out when the lights went on but thankfully I wasn't one of them.
  2. You'll have a fall down the stairs later.
  3. mjw


    Not a gig but I'm going to the science centre tonight for a playing of 'The Dark Side of the Moon' in their planetarium tonight.
  4. Was it not that weird as f**k exchange with HeeHaw that involved a picture of a spotty arse? Or any of their other exchanges before one of the trolls got banned.
  5. All those Airdrie,Motherwell,thistle orange men will still be all the ****** b*****ds of the day when their team plays Rangers. Must be a sair yin for them.
  6. We've let go the next big thing if you check the comments on the clubs Facebook page. What did these guys see that no one else did?
  7. If you happened to watch it any other year you can save yourself an hour. Its the same lodges and bands going down the same street every year.
  8. A fiver to see Dom Thomas turn the game sounds like a bargain to me.
  9. Not bad for the guy that shouts 'hate crime' whenever someone is less than pleasant about the brethren. A bigger hypocrite you'd struggle to find on this forum.
  10. Its not often I agree with Tam Cowan but his view that people shouldn't be getting money taken off them for these games is correct. A couple of quid to cover stewarding maybe but charging £12 just gives people the idea they are at a match.
  11. Mightaswellary. I suppose you know more than most about bans.
  12. Apart from urinating in a public place. They weren't aggressive with that law.
  13. Its been popping up on twitter with captions like that regularly on twitter. Some of them are quite funny. ( The captions,not the fuckwits in the photo)
  14. They'll feel an impact fairly soon. I hope they've got another bogeyman lined up for when it sinks in that it wasn't the EU that made their lives miserable.
  15. They won't see their 89th Anniversary with an offer like that.
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