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Everything posted by mjw

  1. You've seen on this page who it is aimed at though. And it's worked.
  2. Calm down. He said it was one of the main routes so there must be others.
  3. It doesn't matter how ridiculous things get. As long as it upsets the kafflicks.
  4. Never mind your strawberries, the tennis punters might go without.
  5. Gays,kafflicks and women needing an abortion apart.
  6. A couple of Motherwell fans suddenly appeared behind one of the goals in the small terraced area and began singing songs. They were quickly moved away by the stewards Motherwells shame.[emoji3]
  7. The next podcast may have a johnny cash feel to it then?
  8. I'd rather just be derogatory to both **** and ****. It's fairer that way.
  9. It says Kill all **** on a wall in Belfast though. That's why the **** on here cry about the word **** being used.
  10. Just keep filling up full pages with your repetitive shit then.
  11. That won't do. Our tried and tested technique of throwing the ball around a few players then having someone hold the ball while waiting for someone to move has served us well.
  12. Look at me everybody! Look what I'm posting!
  13. It wasn't so much an advance in Scotland though,was it? More of a stagger.
  14. Have a search online for bodyweight Tabata workouts.
  15. My fitness pal app for what you eat and you can put your exercise in as well to measure your day.
  16. Not enough by the look of things. Vote postponed till after the July 4th recess.
  17. Votes they were going to get anyway. Strong and stable negotiator's.
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