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Everything posted by mjw

  1. You could put England and Wales in a big gun and fire them at the sun and Rennie would be delighted as long we were along for the ride. Not much different from the Union Jack fanciers on here.
  2. They'll need to keep some back for the annual repair bill when they smash their own area up because they didnt get their own way.
  3. Having a rangers man on the pitch couldn't stop rangers from 'Hibsing' a cup final.
  4. Aye the Tories were desperate for a confidence and supply arrangement after the last election. It would have went well with that majority they already had. Idiot.
  5. You've got to laugh at the overlooked part as well. The place is never out the news in July.
  6. Nope. We were told for the duration of the election there was no money tree. Theresa May even talked down to a nurse on live TV about the money tree. Two weeks later low and behold,a money tree.
  7. The grubby part is kidding on NI is a city and cancelling austerity there while the rest of us pay for it.
  8. Colonel Davidson with an SNPbad version of events.
  9. Stopped right there. If a 'Nat' posted that today is Sunday you'd 'think' differently.
  10. If he carries on like that in those negotiations we are even more fucked than we first thought.
  11. http://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/339055-trumps-job-promises-face-challenge-in-auto-sector In less than a year, Ford has said it will cut as many as 1,400 jobs. General Motors has cut production at four U.S. assembly lines, costing 4,400 workers their jobs. Fiat Chrysler laid off another 1,300 workers at their assembly line in Detroit.
  12. Every single bigot who has posted on this site has got/had a catholic wife/girlfriend. Funny that.
  13. Aye but if it was any other 'religion' you wouldn't be complaining. Hate criminals! ([emoji767]TCK)
  14. Being an insurgent in your own country is quite clever.
  15. It could be on BBC one instead of c**t Arthur Strong. How the f**k are they getting away with that?
  16. Henry 'Blowers' Blowfeld retiring from TMS after the summers tests. He was a slavver at times but he did have a very cricket voice.
  17. Gives you a whole year to tell everyone about it as well.[emoji6]
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