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Everything posted by mjw

  1. You don't have referendums so that nothing changes. Joe Public will be the first to suffer and suffer the hardest when this all goes to shit. You only need to look at the financial crash to see where Joe public fits in to this country.
  2. They are hoping for England in 2019. They'd be looking at a couple of tests early season I'd imagine before the big touring countries arrive.
  3. That fiver you couldn't get change of the other week would have went a long way in Sports Direct.
  4. If only it was self contained then we'd have nothing to worry about. A Scottish and NI football team might play each other next month,the headlines aren't about 22 men kicking a ball.
  5. He's ignorant of SLabs politics if he thinks he's coming up here to spread socialism.
  6. Rumours before the council elections about bin collections going to every 3 weeks instead of fortnightly. Not happening said the Labour councillors. Then they sneak in with a stitch up with the Tories and low and behold- http://www.motherwelltimes.co.uk/news/politics/north-lanarkshire-council-has-approved-changes-to-bin-collections-1-4482525
  7. Burrows tweeted that the assistant job would be announced today. Looking more like Lasley now.
  8. Everything. Absolutely everything PULs are the most oppressed people in this place (P&B,not Scotland) don't you know?
  9. I've just bought a pair of tyres from Amazon and they don't have a rotation arrow like other tyres I've bought. Does that mean they can be fitted any way?
  10. Did the women get tattooed as well?
  11. Even 'Wings' called this out. Its shite behaviour but I'm not sure I'm responsible for it because I share a political view with the guy.
  12. No,its you moving the goalposts on every political thread you swagger in to trying to be billy big baws. No one mentioned homelessness until you decided it was time to go Whatabout.
  13. Did a homeless person go on live TV and blame the FM for their situation?
  14. You've pretty much described your account(s) on here in that post.
  15. The Mummy. I've fallen asleep about half an hour in and woke up in time for the ending. What I did see was shite.
  16. I don't think we've fully seen how this will affect this country yet. There are still companies now pulling Final Salary pensions because the funds have become unmanageable.
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