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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Can't be much of an 'EU Regulation' if Germany managed to ban the cladding. Who was it that took back control?
  2. Its nearly July they'll not need Theresa to give them any reason to smash up their own areas.
  3. Letting Tories go 'into closed' rooms to negotiate should give everyone the fear.
  4. That's the dead poor people out the way. Back to Brexit now.
  5. Despite the shooting of a Republican politician yesterday the annual charity match between the democrats and republicans is going ahead. Trump made a call for unity earlier. Now he's back to tweeting about 'crooked Hillary'
  6. John Mcternan- 'Firemen only work 2% of their shift,there's no fires anymore.'
  7. I almost changed my mind reading that Daily Ranger article,then i seen that moron Kelly in it. Just keep shouting at 40%+ of the country to change their mind,I'm sure it will work sometime.
  8. Remember he's also one of the self confessed oldest trolls on P&B.
  9. So we are agreed that everyone is guessing? Makes you glad 'call me Dave' held his vanity EU referendum to clear everything up.
  10. Indyref 2 wasn't on any ballot papers last week though so anyone claiming it was a decision one way or the other is guessing.
  11. Speaking to the lad who runs our local shop and he's seriously thinking of parting with £600+ for a champions trophy final. If it is India who win today that price will probably shoot up again.
  12. What side of the peace wall does someone called Colin live on?
  13. That footage from his cabinet meeting today would give you the boak. A pathetic little man with the world's most fragile ego.
  14. Ukipbad doesn't have the same ring to it though.
  15. Plus the fact that snap elections are a drain on finances for smaller parties. The greens don't have union or billionaire backing.
  16. 9 posts in 7 years? Your not really in the know,are you?
  17. Papish name if ever I heard one.
  18. Kincardine is going to be raging he's missed out on all this chat.
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