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Everything posted by mjw

  1. They found a seat for Nigel on the radio version tonight. Its the only seat ukip got today.
  2. Aye sack the dole office worker and create another statistic to point at.
  3. He'll be waiting on them coming back as the The Wildcats.
  4. It was all too cosy for Tory Murdo Fraser, for whom every silver lining must have a cloud. Relative to population share, Scotland had fewer migrants than other parts of the UK. Surely after 10 years of SNP government Scotland was "a relatively unattractive place for immigrants?” Ms Davidson winced. MSPs cried “shame”. Ms Sturgeon loaded the bazooka. “What an utterly disgraceful thing for a member of the Parliament to describe his own country as an ‘unattractive place’ to live,” she spat. “I remember the days - they are becoming dark and distant days - when he used to be a serious politician. Now, it seems he aspires just to be a figure of fun.” Murdo’s face lit up the back row like a birthday cake with too many candles to count. Oh Murdo.
  5. That's what happens when you sign up to a football forum but never leave the politics forum. Maybe oaksoft or someone else will hold your hand and take you to see some other parts of the site.
  6. Its a hilarious reenactment of a funny scene from the second Trainspotting movie.
  7. I've already posted on here somewhere about the damage this has already done to my work so you can stick your 'delusional' If its a choice between Tartan (you're a better poster than that,by the way) or Red,White and Blue brexit,I know my preference.
  8. You could have just stopped there but you couldn't help yourself.
  9. 'f**k me' describes that film perfectly.
  10. The c***s who hang those things up never seem to be in a hurry to come back and take them down.
  11. That'll be you added to that list of cyber bullies those two have compiled.
  12. Better than using child abuse to get kudos on a forum.
  13. Football today then down to a mates for the boxing.
  14. Only one shouting cyber bullying on here is you,Snowflake. Hit the report button if you are worried about someone less thick than you suffering on here.It's the right thing to do.
  15. No it was referring to Fide. Bullied by Fide ffs.[emoji1] [emoji1] [emoji1]
  16. $900k knocked off the value of the inventory in our work since Brexit. I wonder how a company that has sites all over the world might deal with that hit.
  17. Greeting like a wee bitch on here recently about 'cyberbullying'
  18. I went through a spell of reading and watching anything to do with mountain climbing when the film Everest came out. The K2 documentary was one of the best I watched. Its amazing the way death is just another thing that happens on a mountain to these guys.
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