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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Probably not petty but twitter is a mess after the documentary about child abuse in Scottish football.
  2. Its getting a little headline in the corner of the screen on CNN. James Cook is tweeting that its come to something when a school shooting isn't the main news story.
  3. That's going to cause you more bad than good tbf. I've done the shifts for 15 years and wouldn't say I am used to them. The pros (more money and an almost empty factory before 8am and after 4.30pm) definitely outweigh the cons though.
  4. Diet and cardio.HIIT cardio especially. Its a bummer that there's not an exercise that targets a specific area of fat as most men would be the same as you.
  5. I'll have a coffee about 11-12pm on the night shift and that's enough to get me going. I drink more when I'm doing 6-2pm as that's the one I seem to 'need' the caffeine most.
  6. As is the hundreds of thousands of people wanting their lifestyle paid for nonsense. Despite your desperate attempts to say otherwise, the amount of people who want to work for a decent wage, far far outnumber those who don't.
  7. In the interests if fairness this is the racist p***ks version. He's a definite Wid not though so f**k him and his cuntish views.
  8. WTM fought the law and the law won. Maybe.
  9. I hope to f**k I wasn't involved in any of that chat. Does she look like her though throbber?
  10. Maybe you mixed me up with MJC. Bennett hilariously does that every week.
  11. Boris Johnson has cancelled his trip to Russia. Thank f**k says anyone who doesn't want Russia bombing us.
  12. Kind of makes the Chinese President a bit part player in his own visit to the States.
  13. Pedro's rocky start was well down the list of items being discussed. Further down than Cathro has ever been on their agenda.
  14. Outstanding that Obama bad is getting dragged up in this . Congress wouldn't support his attempt to strike at Assad and they are whining like bitches about not being consulted about this.
  15. ^^Anonymously lashing out on an internet forum
  16. America warned the Russians this was happening earlier today. The interesting part of this is Russia having troops on the very place the chemical weapons were kept and delivered from. There's also a fair bit of whining going on about him keeping Congress out of the loop on this.
  17. So it's the attention that keeps bringing you back? Fucking weirdo.
  18. But people are supposed to wade through your stale pish whenever you take exception to being called out.
  19. That's the third time today Nigel has said he is out.
  20. Strange that Farage was complaining about having to go in a pub. Drinking pints was a central part of his 'man of the people' persona he created. It was probably the fact that we speak a little differently up here that really scared him.
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