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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Maybe try adding something to the forum other than questions and one line soundbites you've heard elsewhere? You make a lot of digs on here at other posters but don't seem to stick your neck out with any actual thoughts/opinions of your own.
  2. I've had three holidays made almost unbearable because of Russian guests so I definitely stand with the bomber on this one.
  3. That's him accused Obama's security advisor of some crime or other. He's also come out in support of Bill O'Reilly who has cost Fox news 13 million in hush money to woman he harassed. All this when he really should be preparing for the Chinese President coming to visit.
  4. I don't disagree. I'd just rather the negotiations were in anyones hands rather than the lunatics who are in charge just now.
  5. http://thepeninsulaqatar.com/article/04/04/2017/Islamic-State-says-U.S.-being-run-by-an-idiot Islamic state are not impressed by The Donald.
  6. Outstanding for her to come out with this in the only country where woman can't drive because god. Spitting on the grave of a Quaker who didn't celebrate Easter isn't very nice.
  7. Are you noticing a difference in your clothes? Belt a little looser or a T-shirt that fits better? That's always my guide when I'm at the cardio.
  8. mjw

    The Wire

    The final season of The Sopranos is far superior to the final season of The Wire IMO. That's why I'd always have The Sopranos first on my list of all time greats. Only narrowly though.
  9. At least Kez is keeping out of it after her last visit to the States.
  10. Yoons losing their heads because the FM has gone to the States. According to @Murdo1690watp she doesn't speak for Scotland.
  11. Makes the new blue passport redundant then for millions of 'hardworking families'
  12. Aye he just wandered on to our television's and started spouting pish. Then whoever does call the shots was happy for him to go on another news programme and repeat it. Nothing to see here though.
  13. No need to delete the thread. We can just use it to remind the child molesting, sister rapeing workshy sponging declans who will be looking in, that they are second class filth. ^^rattled
  14. Today's yoon outrage is mostly around someone putting Yes stickers on Donald Dewars statues. Nasty Nats.
  15. Thats Michael Howard on Sunday Politics reminding us that our last woman PM sent a task force to deal with a Spanish speaking foe.
  16. http://edition.cnn.com/2017/03/27/us/refugees-jobs-drug-testing/ Rust belt employers having to hire refugees because they can't get enough American workers to pass a drugs test. #maga
  17. Oh well, back in our box we go then. I'm ever so glad you signed up to put us out of our misery.
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