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Everything posted by mjw

  1. 44 seconds to mention 1966 has been mentioned on Twitter.
  2. Every major terrorist atrocity that happens seems to kick off when Kay Burley clocks on.
  3. SNPbad that wasn't suspended sooner.
  4. Tories tweeting that the debate should be stopped because of what's happening at Westminster. Can we all pack up and go home?
  5. Shots fired and a a car has mounted the pavement on Westminster bridge.
  6. You have no mandate. Back in your box all of you.
  7. Its the Record but. THE full extent of Rangers’ excesses during Sir David Murray’s reign were laid bare last night. Record Sport can reveal documentation which shows Stefan Klos was paid more than £8million over four and half years at Ibrox. The keeper received a basic salary of £4.5m, a loyalty bonus of £1m, win and appearance money totalling £500,000 and raked in £2m from the EBT scheme making him one of the world’s highest-paid footballers at that time. The German’s pay packet was almost on a par with those of David Beckham, Steve McManaman and Brazilian superstar Ronaldo.
  8. Yeah SLab are really against poverty Kez said so seven times at the weekend. They've absolutely no problem in saddling us with a Tory government we won't vote for until about 2030 though. But the SNP pointing this out it what our labour poster finds tiresome though.
  9. Bigger and bolder, rougher and tougher in other words sucker.
  10. We've all seen Neil Findlay's tweet aye? Oh SLab.
  11. I never knew the Daily Mail had an account on here.
  12. The good thing is no one is going to remember tonights debate after tomorrow. The BBC were able to paint the last indyref as belonging to Alex Salmond. The workload will need to be spread around to stop that happening again.
  13. You sure? He was tweeting his version of Comeys evidence while he was still giving it. He used the official POTUS twitter to throw people of the scent though.
  14. My timeline is mostly Duncan or Duncan retweeted. I really should block but he's a reminder of why I'd never vote labour at the moment.
  15. That's Dunc, Daisley,Fatty Foulkes and history woman chasing the greens on Twitter. Gordon Brewer can be pleased with his hatchet job on Patrick Harvey yesterday.
  16. Comey is untrustworthy according to Fox news. He wasn't when he was investigating Hillary a week before the election.
  17. There are people in the SNP who shouldn't be in the same party but are because independence. There are people out there who believe independence will force SLab back to being a left wing socialist party. These people need a party to vote for to get independence. UKIP are an interesting parallel for the SNP post independence, look how they've fared since brexit.
  18. You might want to look outside a football forum if you don't know what you are voting for.
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