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Everything posted by mjw

  1. After the polls telling us the GE in 2015 would be hung,remain would win over leave and Clinton would beat Trumpet, maybe its best to be on the wring side of the polling.
  2. Speak to Fox he said. Shepard Smith on Fox 'nothing to do with us'
  3. Jacob seems quite the character until you actually see his voting record on things like same sex marriage, benefits and things that make him quite the c**t.
  4. Well that's been another corker of a press conference. 'Don't ask me about what I tweeted,talk to Fox' Angela Merkel standing with a complete WTF look on her face.
  5. Dimbleby doesn't need much of an excuse to interrupt an SNP panellist. He should have been retired a few years back.
  6. It seems to be a P&B rule that someone has to slag the SNP panellists on QT no matter what.
  7. Trump to black voters during the election campaign 'What have you got to lose?' Turns out it was about 8 billion in the budget.
  8. Just imagine Brussels had told the UK that they are not allowed to have a referendum. That's the difference between Scotland's 'two Unions.' From twitter.
  9. Meanwhile back in democracy. 'A controversial proposal to ask new mothers who have been raped for verification if they wish to claim tax credits for more than two children has become law without any debate or vote in parliament. The so-called rape clause, which will be applied as part of new restrictions on tax credit entitlement, was added to legislation late on Wednesday as an amendment to an existing act. The plans will come into effect within a month.'
  10. They've definitely improved but I'm still unsure of using it as stick to beat Robinson with for taking the chance going there. As has been said we didn't get our first choice so we need to appoint someone. I'm happier with Robinson than I would have been with Hughes or Duffy.
  11. I don't get the 'cheap' accusation. we're skint,we need cheap,cheap is good. Was one administration not enough for some people? Do we want to be the club that the **** can point at and say 'told you we'd sink you'?
  12. More likely he is face down in a puddle.
  13. There's your real 'one party state' in action.
  14. In your face China? Will they be shooting Trumps MAGA garments out of the sky as well?
  15. Whatabout,Whatabout. That's all you've got.
  16. It might be a little fairer on the guy if the 'he fucked up at Oldham' gang told the whole story. A club that started the season with 7 players. A club that owed so much money they had a transfer embargo. Not exactly the kind of place to make a name for yourself.
  17. What about these wiretaps? More than the never trumpers losing their minds by the look of things.
  18. Some rally this he is having in Nashville. Toys out the pram because he can't get his own way.
  19. Strange that he couldn't release his returns during the election. Because 'audits' Then when a reporter tweets about exposing one of his returns,he suddenly releases the same one before the reporter.
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