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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Not quite the scoop they were pushing it as. Still, its got Hannitty spluttering with rage about 'deep actors' undermining the president.
  2. The clip that was posted is from Russia Today. The Kipper's seem to have a permanent representative on there as well.
  3. Just remember this guy is well into his fifties. Fucking state of him.
  4. Reynard should be on a watch list somewhere.
  5. Another night of 'tartan gonks' and 'shortbread munchers' ahead for the resident spam poster. It freshens up his diddy patter though.
  6. Other countries haven't been forced to join the Euro and until it strengthens no country will.
  7. Professor John Curtice on 5Live talking about a report Andrew Wilson has been working on that may answer the currency issue. He also debunked the 'you must join the Euro' chat.
  8. I wasn't aware of Gethins till he upset Rob at the weekend. I was quite impressed with him there.
  9. I got into some seething 'debates' on Facebook during the last referendum. I think I'll sit this one out.
  10. Tasmina not so good. Not sure if she should have asked Davies to give way then come out with something about deportation orders.
  11. He most definitely is. Yes supporters on P&B aren't really responsible for him though.
  12. Probably why the idea of a 'Scottish six' made them pee themselves.
  13. That's the debate on the Lords amendments started.
  14. f**k sake. That was tedious enough the first time you posted it.
  15. They should just change their name to Fox news UK and be done with it.
  16. This might not be a big problem for the YES side given the reaction after losing the last time. We were supposed to go back in our box then.
  17. You've spent the weekend - calling other posters tramps. Posting about other posters masturbating. Posting snidey child abuse related pish on a match forum. Have I missed anything?
  18. Oh here's Stephen Gethins on TV to answer Robs questions.
  19. I'm sure you could enlighten yourself somewhere other than a football website. If it is enlightenment you really want.
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