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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Yoons raging because The Scottish government spent 140k going to the supreme court. Yoons not so raging about the Westminster government keeping their legal bill secret.
  2. Probably got a piccaninny who does it for him.
  3. No you're right. Don't use a smartphone because some dopey c**t got caught getting his dick wet with someone that wasn't his wife.
  4. Maybe the daft b*****d shouldn't have ordered a taxi from his wife's phone to take him to his bit on the side. Big picture indeed.
  5. that's Simo Valakari sacked. There's got to be a rumour in that.
  6. Rub some tiger balm on it. It works for everything else.
  7. mjw


    This guy doesn't get to Scotland much,does he?
  8. Someone missed their ludge meeting last night.
  9. Probably for the best. He's been in enough memes,gifs etc this week.
  10. British Nationalist posting insults and bile = a wind up. Independence supporters swearing= pollution. Thanks for clearing that up.
  11. Because we didn't get back in our box?
  12. He did. A picture of a spotty arse was his last contribution. He managed to last a while though and its quite telling that not one of the unionists criticised a single post he made. Stinking fucking hypocrites everyone of them.
  13. The last person banned from here was your partner in crime. He was posting bile with you clapping along.
  14. The bar bill fucked their expenses that week.
  15. Given that the 'Audience Producer at BBC Question Time’ was recently mired in some dodgy Britain First nonsense and them managing to get a largely Unionist audience in Dundee. Oh and the seething flute band guy in Stirling. Maybe he was implying something else.
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