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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Something to do with cardio using more of your glycogen stores than lifting.
  2. I know everyone has a preference but getting your weights done before cardio makes a difference.
  3. Aye? I'm not convinced SLab wouldn't try to fuck things up just for the 'told you so's'
  4. It was off for a while then reappeared, its gone again now though.
  5. Are all these arrests the reason amazon have dropped the Kodi link from the firestick apps list?
  6. How many? More or less than gave the SNP their vote in the last 3 holyrood elections and last Westminster election?
  7. And he's on Twitter with the caps lock on.bad.very bad.
  8. Clapping like a wrinkled old seal in the corner.
  9. So the whole UK didn't want it then. You slipping into the slot left by your weirdo pal HeeHaw?
  10. Aye Scotland returned a large compliment of MPs with the referendum in their manifesto.
  11. Four yoons and one good guy. Probly.
  12. If these people are a snapshot of this country then the baw is burst. Rabid right wing arseholes.
  13. Game changer. Sturgeon must condemn.
  14. Looks like Toto hasn't made his mind up if he going to troll or post seriously. He's veering wildly between the two.
  15. That John Hughes interview is a fucking shambles. 'You guy's might not see it but being in the trade I do' Another show us your medals arsehole.
  16. There's only one Rangers fan posting on here who doesn't. You've got a collective rap sheet that's an absolute minter for all of you.
  17. But the buns in here say you are born a people, you can't just become one. Have they been fibbing?
  18. Joanna Cherry called her 'washed up' in a tweet. JK couldn't let that slide.
  19. Labour will get fuck all abstaining on every thing that comes up.
  20. Says the man sitting waiting on brexit posts to argue with on a football forum. Clown.
  21. Hopefully it won't be long before this account follows your other 2000 accounts down the drain. Ban after ban and you still can't stop being a scumbag.
  22. They had a bigger budget than those clubs when they went down.
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