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Everything posted by mjw

  1. So what was it about that creepy tweet that you think made the sender 'sum boi'?
  2. Get a one goal wonder to promote the Scottish cup,stand back as he trashes our game.
  3. At least Ad Lib wasn't lost to politics when he fell out with Willie Rennie.
  4. He won't be sacked, no matter his many times you say he will.
  5. No such problems with the Tory MP speaking for 25 minutes though. Half a story as usual when it comes to the SNP.
  6. Creepy cunt was never away. Same as that magee cunt.
  7. That's all well and good but she could have held off playing the state visit Trump card until we knew if he was going to settle down or if he was going to treat his presidency like another reality show.
  8. [url= ][/url] The bold Reynard pops up again. Edit because of the app.
  9. Winning two ashes tests was an achievement until 2005.
  10. Looking at the BBC twitter post featuring Bercows speech. Is that clapping from the opposition benches?
  11. They photoshopped a St George flag into that photo yesterday. Its going to be an absolute minter for them if another leader can't get elected.
  12. I thought you were coming from the ref giving them a hand rather than them stepping up a gear angle.
  13. Throbber thinks he just has to shout the scores out. ETA the umpire not throbber.
  14. O'Reilly interviewing Trump is like Ruth Davidson interviewing Theresa May.
  15. Kyrgios will be raging he's never ended a match like that.
  16. It was the Scottish Executive when we were a one labour party state though. It new its place back then.
  17. She'll need more than a boaby to upstage the manky feet and plukey arse photos that have polluted this place over the weekend.
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