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Everything posted by Gaz FFC

  1. Did I see a photo with his brother and he was wearing a City top? Might have been his pal but I don't want to pay too much attention to the story
  2. I don't remember a bus, JRM or Nigel saying that all those years ago.
  3. When it comes to Scottish football not being laughed out of town I'd quite enjoy a prolonged stay in Europe for our clubs. If the national team could somehow qualify for a tournament too that would be just lovely.
  4. Are you suggesting that the Union jack wearers are morons and their political opinions are best ignored?
  5. After the opening bit I was expecting you to say something about EE adverts bugging you. Oh and bacon smells immense.
  6. You've just summed up for me why I rarely watch a post match interview. Shite same questions. Shite same answers. Shame I missed it
  7. We are trying to create that big game atmosphere
  8. You'd have to be a right shitebag pussy to not just get yer 13 year old in for the U12 freebie
  9. As much as I agree with the sentiment some Unionists absolutely love for anything to throw the SNP under a bus for. I've seen folk online blame the SNP for stuff that wasn't there doing they're so into the game. It seems to be a coping mechanism for Unionists and does make me wonder if and when anything goes wrong in an independent Scotland what these tossers will be like.
  10. We should be allowed to screenshot and post on giant billboards all over the UK all the shite from Brexiteers that they've posted on FB etc. Rule Britannia ya fucking p***ks
  11. Pointless. They're utter thickos. The penny will never drop tbqh Don't ruin the dream
  12. The only thing I regret here is I can't stand with a large group of Brexiteers and watch the exact moment the penny drops and they realise they were in fact lied too and the people who voted remain aren't a bunch of shitebags or traitors.
  13. I might have had a little sympathy for you as a diddy fan but when I seen you've now moved to giving the Old firm 4 sides of your stadium these days my sympathy suddenly dried up
  14. Well I'm late 30s and tomorrow I will be drinking with about 8 others of a similar age. None of them would embarrass themselves paying by card
  15. Been in once. Right before Noel Gallagher played the castle 2 summers ago
  16. That's because they're too lazy. Not just on this 1 issue but society as whole are lazy as f**k
  17. Lazy c***s will spend more time arguing this than just admitting they don't want to go to a cashline like a grown up.
  18. Paying £2.75 by card for 1 pint is tosser behaviour.
  19. Not the 2 I was in last Friday where this happened a lot. I was doing a little experiment and It returned unsurprising results. Youths all paid by card. Older by cash. No time saved for staff by doing either. It might get quicker in future but at present it would be nice if people could stop being lazy as f**k.
  20. To enter a pub without cash is the act of a cock. Getting food is acceptable.
  21. In your card world the barman punches drinks into the till for the bill and then the same into the card machine. In mine they do it once into a till ETA are you trying to tell me youths pay by card at the bar to speed up the staff rather than because they're too fucking lazy to grab cash from 1 of the thousands of ATMs they passed earlier?
  22. Havent listened to it but a quick look gives me 2 points to make Sad song was acoustic anyway (although Noel sung it) Stand by me acoustic was done 20 years ago when Liam's voice was much better. Why would I listen to it now?
  23. Well that's crap A regular like me knows the price and can hand over the exact money because I'm a big boy who went into the pub with cash. Also if the drinks come to say £10 or £20 then cash will be a lot quicker than the barman getting the machine and punching in all the necessary details. So you away and return with a sensible post please.
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