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Posts posted by ALL HÚNS 'n' TIMS ARE SCUM

  1. Must have been easier to take one of the twins, if they just wanted to snatch a 4 year old it would have been easier to grab a unguarded kid off the street.

    Instead of spying and working out the McCanns meal/bevvy up routine then breaking into the apartment and sloping off into the night.

    The McCanns aren't telling the whole truth.

  2. It was a dreadful mistake by the parents - one that I'm sure they'll be cursing right now. I desperately hope this wee girl is found alive and well, and I am utterly appalled at the attitudes of some of the posters on here.

    I'm sure some Chav/Ned family would be getting such an easy ride in the Media.

    I'm sure it is a criminal offence in this country to leave kids under a certain age unattended.

  3. I would never ever leave any of my kids at anytime alone even if i was only 100 yards away.

    These are chalets and not a normal hotel, My parents used to leave us in our room whilst they had a few drinks in the hotel bar, they used to check on us every 20 mins or so.

    But we were all older than 5 when they did that.

    I don't know how people take young kids on Holiday, its a miltary operation just to go to the shops with my two.

  4. Old fuckers who go shopping at the weekend

    They have all week to go their messages, why go on a Saturday? Then they chat to the people on the checkout. " I still buy a big tin of beans, even though I only eat half as I used to give my wee Hughie, who is in New Zealand, Did i tell you my Hughie has his own Plumbing business....."

    f**k off!!!

    Do your shopping during the week, not at the weekend!!!!

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