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Everything posted by NorthBank

  1. Until he assembles his own squad so probably about this time next year after he has had a summer transfer window.
  2. There was nothing we could do about Hammill leaving however the new keeper, centre half, Lyons and McAllister all look better than anything we had before. Hopefully Tansey will also come up to speed. If we continue to sign players before the window closes that are better than what we had then we are better equipped for the remainder of the season.
  3. We have had at least 3 players identified, lined up and ready to sign but they got better offers at the last minute. Hardly the Club's fault that players all have agents touting their clients for the best deal. Unless anyone on here is actually doing the job of trying to sign players maybe we should cut some slack to those that do have that job.
  4. I was wrong - its actually 16 out since Oran took over. Has any team in the top flight ever got rid of 16 players (and possibly a couple more to go) in the January window?
  5. The thing is you don't always get what you want. As far as I am aware we have signed 4 players who were targeted which is pretty decent. You want a player and them wanting you are two different things. Maybe the Slovaks' families did not want to move to Scotland; maybe they got better offers; maybe there are injury concerns; maybe they are house hunting right now. Once you have ran through all your targets you have then to consider some that weren't originally in the frame and some than just suddenly became available. Let's chill and see what happens.
  6. We approached Hladky when Samson left and Rogers was playing. Unfortunately Rogers is not very good and Lyness got a game where he was excellent. Problem was we by then offered Hlladky a contract and Aberdeen wouldn't take Rogers back. And since we dont need 3 keepers unfortunately Lyness is the one that had to go. Excellent keeper - you have won a watch.
  7. These guys may be shite but I feel a lot more confident about them than signing part time non League players from Engerland on 3 year deals and paying transfer fees into the bargain.
  8. Could easily play in The Championship but maybe he is considering his options outwith football by going part-time with Forfar. Best of luck Adam, Championship winner.
  9. perhaps. that or they are still waiting on the bank fraud team recovering their money. going to be an interesting window for McIntyre and Kearney. they will likely be competing for the same players so will come down which manager impresses most and talks a good game. Not sure about competing for the same players. I'll certainly give you Tansey but allegedly we have a Czech and Slovakian coming on board as well as an Irishman from Blackburn Rovers but recently from Colraine and played under Kearney. But who knows who else - lots of rumours but these 3 seem to be effectively done and dusted.
  10. We have had a Bosman ruling in the past that changed football. Maybe we'll now have a Kellerman ruling.
  11. We have the Singing Section in W7. Maybe you could get your lads to bring their mates and we start up a Romanian section in W6
  12. I too feel sorry for some of these guys. They simply were not up to it but that's not their fault. Stubbs underestimated the quality required or overestimated the ability of the guys he signed. I thought Div's comment was harsh. Of course King would have signed for a Premiership team given the chance. It didn't work out - just let him go to where he'll get a game. As for Edwards he tried his best which admittedly wasn't good but no-one could say he didn't put in the work.
  13. I posted elsewhere that Hodson is not a left-back; is not as good as Paul McGinn at right back and has no creativity whatsover for midfield. Cammy MacPherson is a better option than Hodson. And allegedly he is one of the highest paid. We would be better giving our young player more experience than helping Sevco.
  14. Exactly. We have loads of empty slots that need filled but right back isn't one of them.
  15. Unlike some compatriots I think Steven McGinn is easily a Premiership player. I reckon he has been extremely frustrated at the dross playing along side him (our midfield has been shit) making it difficult to play his own game as he spends most of his time mopping up for others. Give him some decent team-mates and he will shine. Sammy was Premiership class for us although others club supporters may have their doubts. Lyness has also looked very decent in the few games he has played since Sammy left but looks like he is off as his good displays have attracted attention and he is out of contract. Magennis is top class and Paul McGinn has never let us down. Bairdy can be decent but sometimes has a lapse that costs us. Hammill was also decent but he's away. Ferdinand reads a game brilliantly but is pretty slow but could hack it for the rest of the season if he stays. Two young guys have been doing very well Ethan Erhahon and Cammy MacPherson and should develop into decent players, especially Ethan. Both are still teenagers. We actually signed two players on loan who have a decent pedigree in the Premiership - Edwards from Hearts and Hodson from Sevco - and they have been very disappointing and personally I would send both back as they offer very little to the team. So at the moment we only have McGinn x 2, Magennis (injured), Baird and two young boys Erhahon and MacPherson - just enough for a five-a-side team (out of a squad of 28 only a couple of weeks ago)! Grim stuff.
  16. St. Mirren are Heaton's employers who have been paying his wages for 6 months for zero return. He had two opportunities to show what he could do (and both against non professional sides) and failed miserably. A bit of respect to employers and a change of his arrogant attitude may help his limited career prospects.
  17. Official now .... https://www.stmirren.com/news/club/all-news/2469-jordan-kirkpatrick-leaves-saints-to-join-alloa
  18. My understanding is the players mentioned have been told they are free to find new clubs - not that we have paid off their contracts and we cannot release them without doing so.
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