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Everything posted by NorthBank

  1. It is a good article in the Telegraph here If the complete sponsorship of the SPL is less than £6 then a) Doncaster should be sacked for that alone and b) we are all fucked. I cannot believe that all the sponsorship money (including SKY at the moment, Clydesdale Bank, Coca-Cola, William Hill, BBC, ESPN etc) is totalling less than £6M.
  2. Sorry Dumbarton fans but I now wont be attending our pre-season friendly with you. If we lose the vote on Friday the game is fucked and I wont be back anyway. If the vote is won then it has been made a hell of a lot more difficult due to the cowardice of DFC. Doncaster and Regan talk pish. Dont listen to their lies. Stand up to them vote No to Newco. But already too late for DFC it seems......
  3. Well done Hibs and Annan. I hope all supporters' groups isue similar statements this week. Power to the People. No to Newco.
  4. I know it may be too late but we must do what we can which is very little except withdraw our services when corruption is finally approved on Friday. In the meantime email (again) Regan, Doncaster, Longmuir and your Clubs informing them that you, the paying customer, will walk away. Full stop.
  5. Jim Traynor .... 'SFL showing leadership and common sense' .... 'except Turnbull Hutton'. He just doesn't get it, does he? Edit: punctuation.
  6. Whats the problem if up to six clubs go into administration / liquidation? They get rid of their debt, dishonour existing contracts and start again in the First Division with a clean biil of health - sounds like a solution to me
  7. The reason was that Green said that Rangers would play in Europe before Norwich when he was having a go at Whittaker joining Norwich.
  8. He is a journalsit. Never was an MP and NOT RELATED to the MP mafia. Different guy altogether. Never heard of him. And why do Rangers' apologists all say they support the Buds? Do they never read B&W Army or P&B or even the CiC poll? They are in a minority of two.
  9. On the up side I have just received an email from the CiC (Fans' Group) trying to buy St Mirren. A poll was conducted on the Newco scenario with 4 questions ranging fro 'No to Newco' to 'Do you still say No to Newco is it means St Mirren going into administration?'. A resounding 83.5% of supporters who have committed hard cash responded to the poll. Even in the worst scenario ie St Mirren going into admin due to lack of TV money (scaremongering as it wont happen) there was still an 80.9% vote for No to Newco. Even better was sixty-odd pages of thoughtful and well written comments on why supporters were against the Newco. This will now be presented to the existing SMFC BOD. The real fans (over 1,000 season tickets holders pledging cash for the buyout) have made it very clear that they do not want a Newco anywhere except starting with an application to the 3rd Division.
  10. I am pissed off about all this reference to Rangers. Rangers are DEAD! Hallelujah!!!! Can we all agree on another name for team that Servco are attempting to put together from scratch. I dont really care as long as we refer to them as something different from Rangers. How about The Zombies (ie living dead), but anything will do except Rangers.Their shame, fraud, tainted trophies, and stealing doesnt give them the right to continue to use that name.
  11. Real interesting point was made by Yorkston on Sportsound yesterday afternoon. Apparently Petrie produced a paper a few months ago for the SPL Board advocating setting up SPL TV and ditching Sky. Yorkston stated the figures stacked up and there was a good reception to the proposal. In fact it was reckoned that they could produce more cash via SPL TV. He said that people didnt want to go down that route at the time as it seemed like a bit of initial work and the SKY deal was easy to to just sign it.. So maybe the SPL do not need SKY anyway?
  12. How about the Newco being called 'The Illegitimate Sons of Rangers' or 'The Baastards' for short?
  13. b*****d. I have been following this every day then head off to Millport for 24 hrs to get some rest before Thu's big announcement and they friggin well make the announcement today and I dont hear about it until many hours later. Need to get the ice cream in the morning.
  14. I realise fair-mindedness and a genuine caring for others must be a huge shock to your system. But thats what makes us different to the OF .
  15. I drive from Ayrshire to Paisley for the games and always park in Feegie as I like to get home before the official car park lets folk out at 10pm. Never had a problem and never had to pay anyone to 'watch' my car. Go on No8 - support a diddie team - it will change your views on life
  16. Mr Thompson goes up in my estimation every day (apologies if posted earlier but its worth a bump for those that have just got up ) Daily Retard
  17. I would suggest there is enough evidence of a prima facie case against Rangers on the EBTs. I would also suggest the onus would be on Rangers to prove that the payments were not loans which would be difficult as in the case of Billy Dodds who has already publicy stated that his money was not a loan but a payment of outstanding wages. The SPL is not a court of Law so do not have the same jurisdiction that a Court would look for. Enough prima facie evidence and the onus is on Rangers to prove otherwise.
  18. While I dont disagree with you I reckon it will be simply a generation thing and in about 12 years the Weans of Orc may start going along to their local club which would benefit every club in Scotland but particularly those in the West. Their Fat Faithers may stiil go along to watch the Ranjurs in the Juniors but the Weans will want glory and head for the SPL clubs.
  19. What a lot of apologetic pish. Its no wonder I dont buy it. Pity the redtops dont have one half decent journalist between them. Traynor keeps on about how the demise of Rangers is the death knell of Scottish football. Ok Jim here is a challenge (probably one that is beyond you) - the Scotsman on Sunday ran a great article about exactly what the demise of Rangers would mean to the SPL in terms of pounds, shilling and pence (conclusion: the SPL would survive ok). Can you invesitigate this for yourself and give us FACTS instead of your apologetic opinion? (If you dont understand 'facts' try a dictionary).
  20. Interesting article in the Scotsman today about how Scottish football will survive without Rangers. The figures quoted are a worst case scenario and doesnt take into account greater competition, the feel good factor, clubs finishing higher up the League, greater possibility of Europe qualification and potentially higher gates. Scotsman Oops. Apologies to those who have already posted this link but good to keep it bumped so that no-one misses it
  21. That could be true. It also means that since the SPL have not recognised a Newco (by not agreeing sanctions to a Newco) then they can refuse such an application if one comes as the concept of a Newco is not in their Rules. The longer the SPL avoid the issue the greater the chance that either the EBT or the BTC or the SFA or FIFA will take the decision out of their hands.
  22. An interesting point was made in Sportsound today. The SPL Clubs did not come up with any sanctions or anything else to do with a Newco. Indeed Mr Doncaster himself said they were not expecting a Newco application as they had been led to believe that a CVA would be accepted. ie the SPL have NO rules for a Newco. If they had approved sanctions then by association they would be accepting a Newco. By not agreeing sanctions then the concept of a Newco is still to be accepted and is NOT in the SPL rules. Are the SPL really playing a blinder?
  23. Div is just a Buddie with IT skills. He set up BlackandWhiteArmy then set up P&B for all football fans. He occasionally is asked by the media for 'fans' views' of events. Top block (allegedly) for a baldie.
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