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Savage Henry

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Everything posted by Savage Henry

  1. The Sharks go 2-0 behind another excellent forward display, this time the third and fourth lines getting in on the scoring in a 3-1 over the Kings, who are going to struggle again, with no real goaltender and losing Rob Blake to free agency.
  2. Just from going by the BBC updates, the umpires are having a collective 'mare in the Indian inning.
  3. Get lost. Did you understand any of that movie? It's not an action movie...
  4. For any Bay area supporters, the San Jose Sharks looked excellent in a 4-1 win over the Ducks.
  5. If there's still time, you can save yourself a turgid night by doing some long division instead. 88 minutes is a stinker of the highest order. Quite what Al Pacino thought he was doing is beyond me. Ghastly movie.
  6. Ted Leo - A Bottle Of Bucky. American bloke goes to Glasgow, drinks buckfast, meets some neds, experiences the amazing marching Orange retards, and still enjoys the experience! Remarkable.
  7. Righteous Kill Of course, it's an acting masterclass, and it holds your attention, although the ending is rather predictable. Obviously the studio spent all their money on De Niro and Pacino, leaving not much for anything else. It would make a fine episode of CSI, but stretched out to 90 minutes it struggles to keep going. 5/10 PS Robert De Niro does that very annoying thing when he gets really angry it looks like he's going to cry. A lot.
  8. Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Bottle of Bucky
  9. Really though, these pre-season games don't count for much. Certainly no more than Spring Training in baseball. Says the Sharks fan. Incidentally, at 14 pages, this is my longest thread ever, possibly helped by my forgetting to put a year when I started the thread...
  10. It's probably too late for most of you, but Pan's Labyrinth is on C4 now as it is a genuine masterpiece. There's still time if you forgot.
  11. For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway is about as good an account of the Spanish Civil War as you are likely to find.
  12. Going to give that one a try next I think.
  13. I'll be honest, I completely forgot about hockey for a while there, I don't even know who the Sharks signed... Edited because I just looked up and found they signed a whole bunch of defencemen. And again, because I just realise that I'll be in Washington in November, which would fit in nicely with a game.
  14. Anyone catch Revolver last night? It's another Guy Ritchie masterpiece, this time about a gangster who talks to himself for some reason and tries to steal back some money for some reason too. Says things like "I know he's the bad guy, but what if you don't exist? His biggest victory was making you believe that he is you." And such and such... staggeringly awful script. 1/10 because I laughed out loud at stages, for entirely the wrong reasons.
  15. I'm off to see them as well. Should be smashing.
  16. 6 out of ten yet you give John Grisham a 9? Christ on a bicycle. Anyway, I'm reading, or re-reading for the first time since high school, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L Shirer. It's a massive great bugger of about 1200 pages, and I'm on chapter 7 and it's only 1922, but it's excellently written.
  17. It was a feckin terrific game, and hopefully Henman Hill and Canadian Gregg will be consigned to history.
  18. To be fair, if he weren't Scottish, Andy Murray would be up there with Will Carling and Shane Warne as one of the least likeable professional athletes. He's a complete cock, and I'm sure it won't just be in America where the locals back anyone who is playing him. The churlish press conferences do nothing to win support either.
  19. If you like Guy Ritchie films then life is going to be particularly nasty, brutish and short. He's a grotesque human being, who ought not to be allowed to make children's TV.
  20. I don't mind Mark Wahlberg, but good lord is he miscast in that movie. Other things wrong include the several dozen plot holes - including "what makes the wind blow?" - and Zooey Dechanel's (sp?) intensely irritating wife. I'd give it two out of ten. I watched Kung Fu Panda. I laughed several times. Good stuff. 6/10
  21. Why? The Simpsons has been crap since about season 9. The movie was an episode's worth of jokes spread over an hour and a half.
  22. I know. Man, who would have thought it was all a dream in the end?
  23. Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden Morgan Spurlock's latest. Rather daft premise and needless references to his twee and ugly wife. Give it a miss. 3 out of 10
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