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Savage Henry

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Everything posted by Savage Henry

  1. I know. Man, who would have thought it was all a dream in the end?
  2. Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden Morgan Spurlock's latest. Rather daft premise and needless references to his twee and ugly wife. Give it a miss. 3 out of 10
  3. Saw the new batman movie. Have to say I was completely underwhelmed. At least 45 minutes too long, and Heath Ledger is barely in it. If he hadn't topped himself it would be just another performance by a third string actor. Do yourselves a favour and just watch Batman Begins again. I am beginning to think Christopher Nolan had two flukes with Momento and Insomnia. 4/10
  4. I wouldn't bother reading the whole thing, it's about a thousand pages long. I found it vaguely interesting when it came to the Bay of Pigs period, but other than that it wasn't well enough written to merit its length. Just finished A Farewell To Arms by Hemmingway. Not as good as For Whom The Bell Tolls, but better than Fiesta: The Sun Also Rises.
  5. Not every emotion - I think you'll find he does sadness by leaning on one knee and gazing off into the middle distance. Anyway, just bought The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford... it's still a masterpiece, and was robbed like an undiscerning Hearts fan at the Oscars. 10/10, Kermode is correct.
  6. Watched Reign Over Me, an Adam Sandler (go with me) movie about a guy who lost his entire family in 9/11 and struggles to readjust. I hate Sandler with a passion, but this and Punch Drunk Love show that when he drops the inane comedy routine he's actually a pretty talented actor. Reign Over Me got a bit of a doing from the critics, but I thought it was amusing, poignant and interesting in all the right measures. Liv Tyler is horribly miscast as a psychoanalyst however. Great soundtrack, and one which has something to do with the theme of the movie. 6/10 - put firmly in the much better than expected envelope
  7. Good grief. Anyway, I just got tickets for the Summer Sonic festival in Chiba. Looks alright, not that many bands I particularly like, although SFA will be brilliant. It's a great festival though, fantastic atmosphere, a million miles removed from the ned-filled hate-fest that is TITP.
  8. Some Nine Inch Nails album I just downloaded thanks to the Bargain Basement forum. Oh god, please make it stop... it's hurting my brain!
  9. You really ought to change your username... It is generally regarded as fair game in the world of grammatical linguistics these days, along with dropping articles and split infinitives, although if you believe in RP then it probably boils you internally. I'm listening to the Scarlett Johansson song again. Still not sure if it's great or awful.
  10. Scarlett Johansson - Falling Down. I don't know what to make of it. Doubt it will sell many, but it's an interesting take on a Tom Waits belter.
  11. You have clearance, Clarence. Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor. One of the few movies that the director's commentary is worth watching, if only because he points out the mistakes in every scene.
  12. In Japan. And yes, it has been released as  "フィクサ”  - Fi Ku Sa (Fixer) - as the words Michael Clayton are presumably utterly meaningless. Decent movie nonetheless. Edited to remove the "the" from the title.
  13. Totally agree. That would have been poetic in its sense of justice. Either way though, the right thing was done.
  14. Wrong, sir, wrong! Just back from seeing The Fixer (it was released as something else in the UK) starring George Clooney as a slightly underhand lawyer trying to get payback for the death of his manic depressive genius lawyer friend. Although it doesn't sound like it, it's not unlike a Bourne movie, except with plot, intelligence and a generally very good script. 7/10
  15. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but is Night of the Hunter - a masterpiece I agree - one of the movies they "re-coloured" to make it more popular with modern audiences? It may be my memory playing tricks with me, but I'd swear I have seen colour and monochrome versions.
  16. Yup. I follow all the bay area teams, which is something of a mixed blessing.
  17. But Joe Thornton, what a big time player he is. How vital will that goal be?
  18. I have no idea how strong those rumours are, but straight off the bat I would say not a chance in hell. I am almost always wrong though
  19. Grrr... stop typing like that. It's intensely annoying, Anyway, more to the point, is "being enjoyable" really worth 8 out of 10? I would say an 8 would have to be more than that.
  20. Well, they certainly have been playing some oddly ramshackle hockey in the post season. Incidentally, the Sharks won today to take a lead in the series, thus proving the unwritten rule in hockey true... give the puck to Joe Thornton. Good lord he is a heck of a player.
  21. Sharks currently standing at two games apiece with Calgary. Game five is currently on the air, and it stands at 0-0.
  22. Why do you persist in typing like that? It is seriously irritating and I don't know why. Makes you look like a retard too. I'll be rooting for the Sharks.
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