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Savage Henry

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Everything posted by Savage Henry

  1. I agree, other than Mark Kermode, almost every review I saw slaughtered that movie. And there are bits you want to punch the main character, but I enjoyed it.
  2. They wouldn't make rubbish like Cruel Intentions and Meet The Spartans if people didn't go to see them or rent the DVDs. The movie going audience have a lot to answer for.
  3. It's a rotten, cop-out ending to what is an excellent movie otherwise.
  4. Indeed. That film merely highlighting the terrific talent that is Guy Pearce. One of my favourite movies, ever. But as if we didn't know before, this year's oscars go to show how fraudulent and corrupt the whole shebang is.
  5. Actually it's not animated at all, what they do is record the whole thing in the normal way, then paint over the film. It's actually quite different from animation. I didn't think the film needed the whole rotoscope thing, and I am not entirely sure how much there is "to get", but I agree with your rating. I just watched The Silence of the Lambs - after seeing Jonathan Demme's Neil Young movie. I's forgotten how creepy this movie is, and how influential it was on movies like se7en. 8/10
  6. Hannibal. That's one creepy movie. For my money the best in the entire series. 8/10
  7. The Temptations - My Girl on Jonathan Ross
  8. What barrage? Your comment echoes that of anyone who has seen it. Incidentally, that is the same ending as the book. I think it's a terrible, cop-out ending, but I won't hold it against the Coens or indeed the fiilm which i thought was well above average.
  9. Leonard Cohen - Suzanne. I love a party with a happy atmosphere.
  10. Eels - Restraining Order Blues; one of the finest song titles ever.
  11. I'd give it a nine just because it borrows so heavily from Robert Altman's superior Short Cuts. I agree Magnolia is a belter though.
  12. The Good German - there's a thin line between homage and rip-off. This is a modern take on the 1940s war movies, directed by Steven Soderberg, who usually I can't stand. It's okay, although the plot runs extremely similarly to Pi, and I lost the story a bit towards the end. Enjoyable, and well acted. 6/10
  13. American Gangster - at nearly three hours it requires a bit of patience, and it's not as pacy as some might like, but I thought it was interesting and exciting. I tended to have more interest in the police/detective thriller element than the drug pushing movie, but I enjoyed it. 7/10
  14. Have you read the book? I was surprised at how camp they made the movie. Christian Bale is a great actor.
  15. The Darjeeling Limited. A Wes Anderson movie, which will either delight or utterly bewilder. I love his stuff, and thought this was another strangely poignant comedy. Excellent cast and script, and with a point to make to. 7/10 Another movie - at least the fifth - released last year that I prefer to any of the Best Movie nominations at the Oscars.
  16. It's certainly extremely intense. Just watched Death of a President, and it's patently rubbish, but at the same time, strangely compulsive. Odd film. 6/10
  17. Brewer and Shipley - One Toke Over The Line. I'm in my Hunter S Thompson stay up late and get drunk on whiskey and loud music phase as happens this time in the year.
  18. There's a movie reviews thread for this kind of inanity. Thanks.
  19. Jesse James - just to see if it was as good as I first thought. In fact, it's better. A genuine masterpiece, robbed by the Academy awards people. One the finest movies I have ever seen.
  20. That was precisely my take on it too. Just watched Into The Wild - a pretty incredible story about a guy who sold all his possessions and lived in the wilderness. I have a great deal of empathy with the politics of this movie - directed by Sean Penn - and the story itself is flat out riveting. Even the soundtrack by Eddie Vedder is sensitive, but at 2hrs 30 it is the best part of an hour too long and some of the support acting is absolutely ghastly. 6/10 - thoroughly enjoyable.
  21. Iggy Popp and David Bowie - The Passenger (live) and jolly smashing it is too.
  22. That's the ending in the book. I thought it was pish personally, but I blame the author.
  23. An interesting play about Churchill on radio 4.
  24. Neil Young - Harvest, tremendous stuff.
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