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Savage Henry

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Posts posted by Savage Henry

  1. Quote
    Just now, gannonball said:

    I burst out laughing when he brought him up. There's been a lot of hate for Lee Dixon in this thread but personally I have been enjoying his ramblings and public meltdown in this game.


    He’s becoming more and more like Alan Partridge by the minute.  

  2. Just now, Ludo*1 said:

    Southgate's only substation being a striker for a LB and putting their most dangerous winger at LB because of injury is top notch tbf.

    He’d be better off with a substation than ‘Arry.  

  3. 3 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

    Wokegate is throwing this game so he can get back to England in time to vote tactically for the Liberal Democrats on Thursday. 

    And good for him for doing so!

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