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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Arnold enters the fray complete with Conan's sword: Maybe more Beer Hall Putsch than Kristallnacht big man?
  2. The dangers of repeating lingo that you see being used by the young, hip and cool types on twitter without taking the time to find out what it really means.
  3. Good to see George Fraser of the LL standing up to the usual agressive posting style antics of a certain high profile poster on here: Worth expanding and checking out what happened with the exchange from there.
  4. Like what happened in 1918 with the Spanish flu? It all depends on how long immunity lasts after people have had it or been vaccinated. Nobody knows for sure yet on that but saw a study yesterday that suggested it was still holding up strong in New York after eight months.
  5. Interesting info from Alex Jones about being encouraged by the White House to lead a march to the Capitol after Trump's speech and a mystery donor helping him with 80% of the cost:
  6. Given all the ongoing mayhem in certain other countries that have undergone western mainstream media backed Twitter-driven attempts at regime change (e.g. Libya or Syria) there is a certain delicious irony to the United States eventually having a problem with this as well. Scary though that around half of Republican voters think the attack on the Capitol was justified according to some opinion polling and what might happen if they now silo themselves on parler creating an echo chamber in which there are very few voices contradicting their world view.
  7. He needs to be out of the country when he stops being President. Preferably somewhere without an extradition treaty. He can still try to pardon himself but the problem is he has to explicitly state the crimes that were involved.
  8. People are basically arguing that Nicola Sturgeon has no idea what the Marymass game is despite being from Irvine if they are claiming the SG don't grasp what junior football is.
  9. The optimistic view of what happened at the US Capitol yesterday is that nobody wanted to give Trump an excuse to use Emergency powers after lots of his supporters got shot dead, so they deescalated even though they didn't really want to and they will wait until Biden is safely installed to start visiting the "protestors" that were caught on camera with SWAT team raids over the next few months before going after long prison sentences for them. The more pessimistic view is that it's a bit like Adolf Hitler's lenient treatment after the Beer Hall Putsch. The apparatus of the American state is riddled with people with far right sympathies, who do not deal with security issues in an even-handed manner. Think it goes without saying that if BLM protestors had tried something like that after a narrow Trump victory there would have been a reenactment of the Massacre of Armritsar and nobody involved would have been posing for a selfie with the cops.
  10. Totally predictable who is going to sound off about this. All you need to do is look at the league table and see who looks like a dead cert to be relegated.
  11. The truth is you can't handle being contradicted even slightly and have repeatedly shown yourself to be incapable of treating people who disagree with you with basic common courtesy. Any coincidence that Blackburn would be pretty much the epicentre for junior clubs south of the Tay that have stayed out of the pyramid the longest? Take a long hard look in the mirror for why that might be.
  12. Patently absurd given I was posting in support of clubs moving to the EoS from the east region, for the west region to become the WoS and tried to explain to people like locheeboy and certain posters from the west that Burnieman was correct that the SFA would not be able to force the SJFA into the pyramid against the wishes of the EoS and painstakingly tried to explain why this was the case based on the annexe to the LL constitution on what needs to happen to change the tier 6 playoff rule.
  13. Childish to make a statement like that and more than a little bit bizarre given I was posting plenty of stuff on here that was supportive of the initial mass defection from the east region to the EoS.
  14. In what way does this contradict anything I have posted in recent days when what I was pointing out was that we have been told by patriot1 is that EoS clubs were informed that there are no geographical limits on who can apply and have their application voted on by the membership, and how can I be repeatedly wrong when what I am usually doing as above with the tweet about the Daily Mail article is posting factually about what is happening? Brechin were unlikely to give up and have one of their directors on the SPFL board. This colt team and expansion of league two proposal looks like it could be this year's iteration of changing the playoff rule to their liking as well as a ploy aimed at avoiding relegation to tier 5 in the short term.
  15. I am not campaigning for anything where Tayside clubs are concerned. You clearly have a strong opinion on what the outcome should be. I'm not hugely fussed either way. I can see which way the wind is blowing where the SFA, HL and SPFL is concerned and it's not towards the outcome you want, which means this issue is still far from settled.
  16. That's only your interpretation of what happened as far as I can see. Has there been an official statement from the EoS where this has been stated?
  17. That's patently absurd and your real agenda on this is transparently obvious.
  18. Maybe there was some sort of falling out at the Tranent game? The statement is unusually blunt about who wanted him to leave in terms of it being a decision by the manager rather than the board.
  19. With vaccinations ramping up things should get better soon in terms of the hospitalisation and deaths numbers, so they weren't going to go mental on new restrictions. 10-19 year olds had the highest numbers in age cohort terms where the new variant in the London area was concerned in late November and early December which means transmission through schools was probably doing very bad things in R0 terms at that point, so there's a sensible reason why the SG took a politically unpopular step in that context this time rather than going after something like professional sport as a way to be seen to be doing something.
  20. Seriously doubt they can put the votes together to push it through in time for next season but would be interesting to hear the finer details of the latest reconstruction move related to Old Firm Colt teams and a 16 club League Two with two new teams from the HL and LL. Given Ken Ferguson of Brechin City's probable involvement, a boundary shift for relegation where Angus clubs are concerned might well be in the fine print and the LL's motivation for agreeing to it would probably be an automatic promotion mechanism.
  21. patriot1, who is linked to St Andrews United, has stated on here that EoS clubs have been told that there are no geographical limits on who can apply and have their application put to the membership. Luncarty got in last year despite being north of the Club 42 line of latitude in terms of their registered ground.
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