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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Think the most absurdly set question is the 2525 one. Can anyone picture Nancy and Frank Sinatra singing that? The only one I was reasonably sure of was simplified a bit for me by the nickname of a famous former player.
  2. http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2015/jan/30/daily-quiz-30-january-2015 4/10 and all guesses. One of the more difficult ones judging by the range of scores displayed.
  3. ...or Sheilas. Before anyone gets any ideas about the name Chester, it's maybe worth mentioning that it's US prison slang for ch_ ild mol_ester.
  4. http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2015/jan/27/daily-quiz-27-january-2015 Bit disappointed with a 6/10. Seemed like one of the easier ones.
  5. Usually just used formally though in Shetland, anyway. Maansie is what really gets said.
  6. Think you mean the drill sergeant at basic training. The guy who did that wasn't an actor but a former soldier they initially hired as a consultant. Think they could have used a couple more guys like that, because the film loses its edge a bit after he gets shot by Vincent D'Onofrio's character and the action moves to Vietnam.
  7. Could have been worse, she could have been called Anita.
  8. Most comedians nowadays are not bad. Some of the shite that was on TV 30 or 40 years ago had to be seen to be believed. Somebody called Squire Esquire on the BBC was particularly chronic. Listing comedians people will have heard of: 5 Ernie Wise (OK he was the straight man but so was Ronnie Corbett and he could occasionally be funny) 4 Frank Conner (Belfast commedian rather than Celtic's Ian Paisley lookalike) 3 Dara O'Briein (Frankie Boyle is a bit of a tosser but at least he is funny most of the time, but who gets to have a tv career?) 2 Cannon & Ball (just shite) 1 Jerry Seinfeld (wildly popular in North America but I could never understand why?)
  9. Peoria is in Illinois rather than Arizona. Think you'll find the American's three sons play "soccer" for a club run by Davie Robertson and that's the Rangers angle.
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