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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Were they on the list? Agree that they are probably close to being on a par or better than Aberdeen depending on the subject. Think the idea was the future student in question would go somewhere that would mean living away from home and that meant the east coast.
  2. Things may have changed over the last couple of decades but Embra and St Andrews used to be Scottish universities in name only, filled with yahs with a lot of the lecturers gearing their courses more towards the English education system. Voted for Aberdeen as the best of the rest that are/were genuinely geared towards Scottish students.
  3. 5/10 and knew 3. Often wondered why, if as the name suggests hopscotch started in Scotland, the name peevers wasn`t good enough for our friends south of the border. 1/2 out of two for wild guesses on the questions related to that.
  4. 6/10 with 5 guesses, so quite pleased with that. Not sure the one I thought I knew on the Prussian capital was strictly accurate, but it was the only one that made any sense.
  5. Wouldn't worry about it too much. It's testing knowledge of random trivia rather than something genuinely tied into IQ. Questions like who scored the goals for Bo'ness United against Baillieston at Ibrox or which town in Scotland was famous for the production of wally dugs aren't as likely to crop up as obscure stuff about Shakespeare because of the target readership involved, so there's a bit of a cultural bias involved as well.
  6. This was covered in another thread a few weeks back. Somebody had found an aerial photo that showed how close together the grounds of Strathclyde, Parkhead and Bridgeton Waverley were. The answer is just across the street from where Parkhead Juniors played and further away from Bridgeton than Strathclyde Juniors' ground. Hard to believe that one of the three couldn't have survived even allowing for all the redevelopment that happened.
  7. Think East Craigie evicted Elmwood, who had to turn amateur in the absence of a suitable enclosed ground?
  8. http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2014/oct/08/daily-quiz-8-october-2014 1/10 and knew Athens port because Olympiakos play there. Spectacularly bad guessing and jebem te Shakespeare.
  9. Doubt he is a puppet. Think the uncle that got executed tried that and came to a sticky end as a result. Stalin is believed by some to have been murdered by his own inner circle when they thought he was about to purge them. If anything happened to Kim Jong-Un that's the most likely scenario.
  10. 5/10, no clue whatsoever about the Boardwalk Empire, salchows, 21 seconds, the painter and Time Traveller's wife, but thought that Grand Canyon state was one of the easier ones along with the Hispaniola one.
  11. 3/10 and knew 2. I though the Famous Five played for Hibs? definitely don't appear to be a core part of the The Guardian's typical demographic.
  12. Yes side giving this No themed quiz the body swerve by the looks of things: http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2014/sep/19/daily-quiz-19-september-2014 back down to earth with a thud with a 3/10 all of which I knew.
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