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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. 54:46 Yes with ICM according to this blog: http://scotgoespop.blogspot.co.uk/ while Opinium is 47:53
  2. ^^^Commissioned by Better Together apparently. The Sun's Yougov poll last weekend set the tone for the next few days, so quite sensible on their part to try to preempt something similar.
  3. ...or a skills testing question like 2 ÷ 2 = ? could maybe be added to the ballot paper?
  4. They've been trying to replicate what happened in the last Quebec referendum with flying the Saltire from buildings etc, but in Canada (was living there at the time) the groundswell of emotion from the rest of the country was genuine and heartfelt, because the symbolic gestures were coming from the grassroots in a spontaneous way. Elite driven stagemanaged photo-ops don't get the job done. The No side also don't have a highly charismatic prime minister from the portion of the country that is trying to break away unlike in the Quebec scenario with Trudeau in the 70s and Chretien in the 90s. They need to find a way to cut through the spin merchant crap and connect with people like Salmond has been doing in recent weeks and there's no way David Cameron is going to do that where voters in Drumchapel or Wester Hailes are concerned. Gordon Brown is a failed PM now, so he wasn't likely to be the answer to the extent he would have been a decade ago. I'm not sure who can fill that sort of role now on the Unionist side. Probably a polite way of saying it for some.
  5. It does and some of the regional variations look a bit suspect as well. On weighting the pollster adjusts the raw numbers that they get to better fit the demographics and 2011 voting patterns of the electorate.
  6. Survation tables are here: http://survation.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Headline-Referenedum-Vote-Table.pdf The comment above about a large swing among 16-24 that is magnified by weighting appears to have some substance.
  7. All these polls basically lie within the nineteen times out of twenty margin of error of each other. If the visit by the three Westminster leaders doesn't shift things (bit skeptical but stranger things have happened) then it will probably all revolve around turnout levels. If things follow their usual pattern No will win as things stand right now based on there being significantly higher turnouts amongst OAPs and in affluent areas. If the interest level lives up to the hype in other segments of the population it's probably going to be good news for the Yes camp.
  8. Even if yes wins, which is still a very big if, independence isn't envisaged by Alex Salmond until 2016.
  9. Given postal votes are used more by OAPs than younger voters that's probably better for Yes than No.
  10. From what I've read elsewhere it's a face-to-face poll rather than an online or telephone one and that seems to lead to more undecided/DK responses.
  11. I'm more than a little shocked by what's happening at the moment because the No side should be able to have a field day with the currency and EU accession issues, but the undecideds have clearly been breaking heavily Yes since the second debate. Think it's going to be decided by turnout and to what extent the Yes camp get younger voters and people in deprived areas out to the polls and could easily throw off the pollsters weightings.
  12. 9/10 so squandered what may be the best chance ever to get 10 given the way the last question makes guessing the ones you don't know easy.
  13. Careful what you wish for. With Alex S. as El Presidente the lingo of the newly emerged monarchy/republic will in all likelihood be standardised around Lithgae/Bo'ness lingo.
  14. Think there's lots of mock outrage involved personally. For a new angle you could have tried bridie (like any normal person from the central belt) or bradie (the furry boots way of saying it) for Forfar's most famous bakery product. Aberdonians can actually get visibly irritated in my experience when you ask for a bridie supper in a chippy there. Tossers.
  15. Think we have done this to death already on here, but square because I'm not from Furry Boots city.
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