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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. The support of the Blue Knights from the Follow Follow types does seem a bit like the "Archibald for Airdrie" stuff from Section B at times. I'm not totally convinced Miller is for real though. Could be a decoy bid being used by the administrators to apply pressure when needed on various parties. "The put up or shut up" stuff sounded more like what the administrators would say than a bidder.
  2. The blog is quite tame compared to some of what he used to write, assuming he used to be the Dowanhill Hack in the FF fanzine anyway.
  3. Is there a difference between Scots and English Law on that because I think it has happened in England? As far as i'm aware, Leeds United would no longer be playing if there were no flexibility available on that.
  4. A cynic might conclude he isn't actually really interested but is a phoney bid that is being used by the administrators to gain extra leverage so they can get a better bid put in by the Blue Knights.
  5. The whole point of the blog entry is that they would be too scared to do anything. I think the flaw in the guy's reasoning is that HMRC are not likely to want a precedent to be set where a club could evade its debts in the manner described especially given Rangers were the test case for EBTs.
  6. I don't think he was deluded in thinking that is how the Scottish game operates but he was truly clueless if he doesn't grasp that a setup like that can only keep going if the double standard remains an unacknowledged truth known to many but never openly stated. As an example the heated balls used in cup draws to keep the Old Firm apart had to stop when knowledge of it became widespread and people started to talk about it openly because to continue at that point would have removed all credibility from the competition.
  7. Liquidate, gain control of main assets, form the newco gaining league entry then sell in a manner that recoups their money would be the obvious strategy. Nobody wants to be seen as the villian that kills off Rangers because it would mean spending the rest of their life looking over their shoulder so the TBK thing had to seen to be tried first.
  8. I'm still waiting for his Scottish Unionist Party to emerge as a force to be reckoned with on the political scene. He is clearly guided by his heart rather than his head sometimes. Dave King was blunt in his assessment of what would happen i.e. liquidation and you don't get to be as rich as he is if you are not rational in forming opinions and making decisions. Not necessarily game over for Rangers but the whole circus of the administrators exploring every possibility on behalf of the creditors has to be got out of the way first until this process will reach its end game. The key is gaining control of the key asset that the club holds which any newco will need to start to put humpty dumpty back together again (i.e. Ibrox) and I suspect Ticketus may be maneouvering to get into poll position for that.
  9. Anyone who knows anything about ex-chairman Jan Stepek would also have to question their inclusion. Blantyre Vics would probably be the most suitable JKL entry from the wider Hamilton area.
  10. Another relatively recent Dundee team would be Stobswell.
  11. An alternative to the Livingston are appealing because they know they can win at the SFA level scenario would be that they are appealing because they believe they have no chance of getting a CVA approved in a third division context and these appeals are seen as their only chance to stave off liquidation.
  12. The disgrace was your club deliberately failing to fulfill a league fixture as a negotiation ploy. I'm skeptical that expulsion will be the result given the effect on third division clubs of having a 9 team league but I suspect a very hefty points deduction that will ensure you can't possibly win promotion is very much on the cards.
  13. That was the bit about some guy prying his eyes out in ancient Greek mythology? Have to admit the photography of "naked vimen" part of the film is what sticks in my mind more. As for the topic of the thread it looks to me like the consortium are probably not interested in investing if they have to start in the third division but don't want to lose face by admitting that. A league expulsion for failing to show up for the Shire game allows them to exit stage right with a bit of dignity with people in Livingston remembering them as the guys who could have saved the club if only the SFL had been more reasonable etc etc.
  14. Given all the handouts from the SFA and SFL clubs can easily live within their means if they are willing to accept relegation and finding their natural level within the game as the consequence. There is no reason why Meadowbank Thistle couldn't still be around playing at Meadownbank Stadium in front of 200 or so. Livingston's financial problems are due to not being willing to accept that their natural habitat without all the financial doping that has taken place since the move out of Edinburgh would still probably be as a part-time second and third division yo-yo team. If the would be new owners can't face that reality then clearly it is time to pull the plug. If a new team has to be let in to make up the numbers to 30 again, maybe Edinburgh City should be added so the original sustainable Meadowbank Thistle setup can be restored.
  15. Good to see the football authorities rediscovering their spine and doing the right thing on this. The idea that club after club could run up massive debts then carry on pretty much as before by wiping the slate clean by giving a few pennies on the pound to their creditors through a CVA was morally reprehensible. The reality is that Livingston cheated to get to the SPL and win the League Cup and cheated again last season to stay in the first division last season by spending way more money than they could afford, while Airdire lived within their means. It's time Scottish football had the sort of club license system they have in Germany where clubs can get booted out of the top national divisions for running up excessive debts even when they don't go into administration. [/rant]
  16. The way back for Livingston in the short term would probably be to buy out a club like East Stirling and relocate them.
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