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Everything posted by Bowers

  1. They seem to have gotten rid of the best non football bits and kept the dross.
  2. bought tickets for steel panther and dropkick murphy's for next march. never seen steel panther before and cant wait.
  3. Annabelle 1/10, Im not a fan of horror films but I even found this dull, barley anyone dies and the ending was really pointless.
  4. Smokers in bus queues, standing in the middle of the queue and thinking its ok to start smoking.
  5. That the history channel is/ now just for repeats of crappy reality shows about storage lockers, pawn shops or shows about aliens.
  6. that they changed the bacon flavoured disco crisps in the multipack for prawn cocktail.
  7. Not everything But the stuff for example from topman is not good. Who would actually buy that?
  8. Male clothing websites (topman,river island , H&M, etc), all their clothes look horrendous.....unless you are some hipster arsehole or a twat in chinos with and ice gem for a haircut, there is nothing decent to buy from them.
  9. Aren't you the person who created a thread about tranny's?......i thought you like a sausage fest.
  10. Billy Bob Thronton being excellent in this and Matthew Mcconaughey winning the best actor oscar.......if Colin Farrell suddenly becomes a good actor....it might be a sign of the apocalypse.
  11. People who think becuase they know somone infront of you in the queue that gives them the right to try and worm their way past.
  12. She had headphones in and was looking so ingrossed into her phone that i couldnt be arsed with telling her to move.
  13. Comrade Valentine - Richard E Rubenstein A really good biography on Imperial russia's biggest terrorist/ police spy, It was genuinly interesting to learn about how a man can happily inform on his fellow terrorists leading to their arrest, imprisionment and excecution but at the same time keep the fact he was organising the terror out of the knowledge of the secret police. 10/10
  14. It's pretty stupid if no one has even asked him to say why/how it happened. it seems to be a pretty obvious thing to do, espcially if your going to travel from georgia to DC.
  15. Getting on the train(half full) with a guitar and see that the seats beside the area to put a bike is free, so i go to put my guitar case down beside the bike rail so it's not in anyones way when this fat lady wonders on, clearly sees that im putting my guitar case down then proceeds to dump her fat arse and bag on both the available seats.
  16. Downloaded some music from itunes and it's asking me to authorise one particular song, when i enter the information it then states my laptop is already authorised but still wont let me play or sync the song to my ipod. How can i fix it ?
  17. Woke up this morning to find a massive crack across my phones screen, which means it's completely useless as i couldn't even turn the alarm off without having to take the battery out.
  18. i thought the Crosses album from chino moreno's side project was really good although thats not quite metal. Im looking forward to the new sabaton album although the song they released was not as good as i expected. Hopefully Machine Head, mastodon, In Flames and Syqem all realise albums which are as good as they should be.
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