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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. I don't know what folk want from the centre backs. Generally they are good enough for the Championship top half. They are given zero protection from their full backs or the midfield in front of them and they have a goalkeeper behind them that struggles with shots from range. They've all had more good games than bad, if Kirk was ours we wouldn't be making a signing in that position in the summer because it's just not required.
  2. Yep, this. I'm not one for thinking they need to lock themselves away in a dark room just cause they got beat.
  3. The inconsistency was he had the odd half decent game. He's been absolutely shit in the vast majority of his appearances since joining. A pea hearted, talentless football player, who starts every week.
  4. At the first goal if he'd tried to do any running at all that would have been nice. He was beaten out wide and stopped and then walked a little bit and stopped again. That's him furthest forward player on the far side of the box here: https://twitter.com/PartickThistle/status/1662174001337073666?t=Njz09r35WnHx52YYCRJR6g&s=19
  5. It's from tonight, what's on the TV behind (Limmy) is what came on after the football.
  6. I have just seen a video of Lee "Bully" Bullen singing songs and being cheered in the hub. https://twitter.com/itzdrk/status/1662230351912087554?t=DGTy4YEwnpif-PjQ8c-knQ&s=19 Our fans are a megariddy
  7. He's quite happy to lie in interviews so I wouldn't take anything from that at all.
  8. Aye, for a guy that can't trap a ball he's got a fair swagger about him. At that point I'd have brought on Kirk.
  9. The point blank refusal to sign a full back for either side this season despite not having a passable one cost us when it mattered. Instead we got Maguire on £1k a week. Mathie gets too much of a free pass for allowing shit like that to go on.
  10. I know heads were away but Albinson was playing like he was steaming.
  11. There was a move in the first half where McGinty stopped a goal with a header towards wide, ball is trundling towards the corner flag and he jogged so slow after it that it went out for a corner How does a guy who prefers running over ability keep picking such a talentless, workshy dickhead in
  12. Mad that Reading and McCalister haven't been subbed here. Job at half time was to not get pumped and he kept two guys getting absolutely rinsed on Back to coaching children in Sheffield.
  13. Had the day aff for this. Think it would have been a very expensive day if it was tight. Just won back the cost of my day out at the zoo with that goal, dunno if I've broke even or I'm up £100+
  14. It was stone dead at the second goal last week. We are shite at home and our full backs don't stop crosses.
  15. In what world were Ayr going to score 3 goals without conceding
  16. I think if you raise your hands you are probably gonna go if the referee sees it. For me? Yellow. But I'm no exactly bothered by the red, tie already over and the suspension hardly bothers us.
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