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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. Ayr were absolutely sublime tonight. Obviously the way football works means Airdrie have to not be good to make that happen but I feel a lot of that was us making them bad rather than simply playing a bad team. The start of the second half was just good patter, to be fair Airdrie did come out with a good attitude and try get into the game but the second we got the ball back we just eviscerated them. I'm fascinated by how someone is going to actually stop us playing, we have so many layers to our build up play that you cant just stop us doing the one thing that you usually can at this level.
  2. Pure Da reply btw, incapable of objectivity. Rus is a player and has done really well for us this far but he e didn't score against Hamilton , hopefully he does on Saturday. The point being made is that he isn't involved for the vast majority of the match and then comes up with something cool down the left, he was exactly the same tonight. We've all watched enough football to know this will eventually be worked out. The point is around what we do then.
  3. BBC camera was clearly on a purpose built bit. (Those steps only lead to where he's standing, not into the stand).
  4. No surprise the first flags down in the away end were the UJs btw.
  5. Agree/disagree. Guess Stalingrad was like the second half
  6. Looking forward to this moment of the TV watch more than any goal.
  7. Think Stalingrad would be more appropriate.
  8. At this stage of owning you bitches we are taking ownership songs E I O E I O OAKLEY OAKLEY
  9. Scott Brown very likely to watch Raith tomorrow if we are playing you next in a couple weeks and already played Hamilton. Maybe he would just send Whittaker in these circumstances
  10. There is just an anti racist demo. It's not a counter to anything.
  11. Yes those are examples of what I said though, he's driving down the left wing for anything good he is doing. If someone works out how to stop that I'm not sure what else it is he does.
  12. Rus is also a bit overrated in terms of where he is playing, I haven't seen him do much of anything at all in the centre of the park, he's always running off to the left wing. It's working just now though so cool.
  13. They are, but they are deliberately not being mentioned in articles at the moment.
  14. They are having theirs during an international break in September?
  15. Find it fascinating that there are now numerous articles coming out linking SYL to Russia but at the same time radio silence on his links to Israel.
  16. I don't think Dowds would drop out to allow a cm to play.
  17. Yes, also surreal that Scott Brown seems to being interviewed in a Hollywood nightmare.
  18. I've been encouraged to load the GTA (2) that came out in 1999 by this.
  19. Easy decision not to give that, can see why he gave it live though. Diving b*****d.
  20. Do think Kilmarnock will equalise here, Tromsø are just really bad.
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