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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. Has anyone checked out Ureqvited yet? Its a sort of atmospjeric/Post black metal type deal. The more i listen the more i like. Give it a go.
  2. I think he is the target audience when the news are reporting on a tragedy and make the hundreds/thousands seem irrelevant because A BRITISH MAN WAS INJURED.
  3. Hopefully Fifa go to town on the pair of them. Keep shite like this out of football.
  4. Im gonna need to get a new pc. doing my nut i don't have this
  5. Sorry to interrupt with something not about stadiums but wanted an opinion on this.
  6. itzdrk

    FIFA Rage Page

    Use it with sprint.
  7. I agree, i am also capable of remaining silent for a minute so as not to disrupt others choice to do so.
  8. We had some embarassing event at Ayr the other week where we let army and veterans in for free. They were out on the pitch twice (hilariously acompanied by stewards) and they were walking round trying to milk an applause (plenty gave them it) however some banshee was looking around the crowd for folk like me not joining in, screaming at them SHOW SOME RESPEKT.
  9. Lee Rigby's ghost has a single tear run down its cheek at the thought.
  10. Soccer Saturday in a perfect day? I hope you lose your coupon for that.
  11. Number 3 looks ok. Would be better with the designs base at the bottom black bar though. Number 11 though. That should surely win.
  12. I had Ayr to win so I got £6.50 back haha
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