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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. Tinder just became a dangerous game
  2. We need a #decemod to stop the #oppretz
  3. Not even sure Taylo can make the world seem normal again #decemartyrdom
  4. Some #modLAD just had this thread locked there briefly Will this oppression ever end
  5. I see you cant stop the EGB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DmLIUKZB7I
  6. Taylo is right at the top of my list
  7. hopefully we get them in one of the groups in France
  8. You would think the "Irish" were the first team to get an absolute hounding from the Scotland fans. I have noticed everyone losing their shit though seems to be infact Scottish Celtic fans
  9. Love that we can do this on here now ETA: different goal but does remind me of 11 Years ago today
  10. Porbably too much respect being shown to the plucky southern Irish thinking we wont horse them. absolute naebody's
  11. Not at all , Parents, pet owners and people who eat food are the bad guys on social media
  12. Left it where we picked it up from. We had to get a sniper to take the monkey out. This is a sad end to what could have been a great week
  13. International football doesn't excite me until the day of the game but this one has grabbed a small bit of attention. looking at 3-1 Scotland with the Southern irish scoring first IMO
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