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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. re-installed it already and im currently being trolled by one of you lovely people #mgn its no a great effort tbh
  2. Good luck m8. for once i cant join the dece
  3. Im pretty sure you can if you have sent messages first though...
  4. after a belter of a weekend ive just had a sober look there unmatching spree
  5. Stop giving him compliments he will get a big head
  6. https://www.facebook.com/BBCFreeSpeech/photos/a.547329795366531.1073741876.195792860520228/547334372032740/?type=1&theater play the waiting game on this one , it will deffo be worth it already some contenders making noises
  7. You are much better than this Firstly 1 season is hardly years secondly i thought you would be on the ball enough notice the dates involved
  8. The only reason i don't think Gerry & Kate killed this woman is because someone found her
  9. Imagine no getting to enjoy your pizza in peace
  10. Check the pictures out on this profile, this burd is deffo doing it right in regards to the creeps http://badoo.com/en/0388022600/
  11. Fancy doing a bit of groundwork and getting this ten's number mate?
  12. That is how i have found it to be yes
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