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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. Same thing as the "story" on snapchat
  2. I honestly don't even know if i can get away with sharing the state of what was just trying to chat me up on Badoo
  3. correct the sunday night of mobile apps
  4. How do citizens go about making their case for a change of anthem known though?
  5. totally, haven't deleted it yet
  6. Hands up poll who checks this with the fear after nights out they have been on
  7. You will be a carting pro at the end of this , could be a career in it!
  8. I would love a game sometime, was just saying earlier haah
  9. http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/11018/kigb Click that link with your touchpad. It will be located at the bottom of the keyboard area. I will get back to you about where to find games
  10. Im of the understanding i can remove the HD from my laptop and use it as storage for my 360? Any advice on how to go about this? Esata or something?
  11. I enjoyed your work so i shared it. Funnily enough mostly mummies enjoying your comments
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